ctrtool Terminal arguments - ihaveamac/3DS-rom-tools GitHub Wiki

CTRTOOL (c) neimod, 3DSGuy.
Built: 04:59:06 Feb 17 2016

Usage: ctrtool [options...] <file>
  -i, --info         Show file info.
                          This is the default action.
  -x, --extract      Extract data from file.
                          This is also the default action.
  -p, --plain        Extract data without decrypting.
  -r, --raw          Keep raw data, don't unpack.
  -k, --keyset=file  Specify keyset file.
  -v, --verbose      Give verbose output.
  -y, --verify       Verify hashes and signatures.
  --unitsize=size    Set media unit size (default 0x200).
  --commonkey=key    Set common key.
  --titlekey=key     Set tik title key.
  --ncchkey=key      Set ncch key.
  --ncchsyskey=key   Set ncch fixed system key.
  --showkeys         Show the keys being used.
  --showsyscalls     Show system call names instead of numbers.
  -t, --intype=type	 Specify input file type [ncsd, ncch, exheader, cia, tmd, lzss,
                        firm, cwav, exefs, romfs]
LZSS options:
  --lzssout=file	 Specify lzss output file
CXI/CCI options:
  -n, --ncch=index   Specify NCCH partition index.
  --exheader=file    Specify Extended Header file path.
  --logo=file        Specify Logo file path.
  --plainrgn=file    Specify Plain region file path
  --exefs=file       Specify ExeFS file path.
  --exefsdir=dir     Specify ExeFS directory path.
  --romfs=file       Specify RomFS file path.
  --romfsdir=dir     Specify RomFS directory path.
  --listromfs        List files in RomFS.
CIA options:
  --certs=file       Specify Certificate chain file path.
  --tik=file         Specify Ticket file path.
  --tmd=file         Specify TMD file path.
  --contents=file    Specify Contents file path.
  --meta=file        Specify Meta file path.
FIRM options:
  --firmdir=dir      Specify Firm directory path.
CWAV options:
  --wav=file         Specify wav output file.
  --wavloops=count   Specify wav loop count, default 0.
EXEFS options:
  --decompresscode   Decompress .code section
                     (only needed when using raw EXEFS file)
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