Smack 4.0 Readme and Upgrade Guide - igniterealtime/Smack GitHub Wiki


The bosh and especially the jingle code is old and unmaintained. It may not work in all cases. Patches welcome.

Smack is split in various subprojects. A typical XMPP over TCP project should use the 'smack-tcp', 'smack-resolver-javax' and 'smack-extensions' subprojects. All other required dependencies are automatically pulled in. This means that such a project should depend only on org.jivesoftware.smack:smack-tcp, org.jivesoftware.smack:smack-resolver-javax and org.jivesoftware.smack:smack-extensions, as all other required dependencies are transitively resolved.

Changes from Smack 3.4 to 4.0

  • Renamed Connection to XMPPConnection, which is subclassed by XMPPTCPConnection and XMPPBOSHConnection. You can use find -type f -name "*.java" |xargs sed -i 's;\([^A-Za-z]\)Connection\([^A-Za-z]\);\1XMPPConnection\2;g' to rename Connection to XMPPConnection in your java code.
  • Moved provider and packages Classes to their respective package, i.e. org.jivesoftware..(package|provider) find -type f -name "*.java" |xargs sed -i 's;smackx.ServiceDiscoveryManager;smackx.disco.ServiceDiscoveryManager;' find -type f -name "*.java" |xargs sed -i 's;smackx.packet.VCard;smackx.vcardtemp.packet.VCard;'
  • The keep-alive mechanism is now provided by PingManager and moved from core to extensions.
  • PrivacyList: toString has been reanmed to getName
  • You have to call Chat.close() before you drop all references to the Chat instance, or you will be leaking the Chat object until the ChatManager instance is gc'ed.
  • ServerTrustManager has been removed, if you want to use XMPP over SSL you may need to provide your own SSLContext to ConnectionConfiguration
  • Packet.setProperty() and co where moved out of smack-core into smack-extensions and the API is can now be found under org.jivesoftware.smackx.jiveproperties.
  • Connection.getAccountManager() is now AccountManager.getInstance(XMPPConnection)
  • All public API methods now return some kind of Collection instead of an Iterator.
  • Improved API with regard to Exceptions
  • The ToContains Filter was removed. Read me about it here.
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