New Smack Terminology and Base Class Hirarchy - igniterealtime/Smack GitHub Wiki

Old Smack New Smack Notes
Packet Stanza (Smack 4.1) Packet is not an XMPP term
PacketExtension Extension Element (Smack 4.2) So is packet extension
Service name XMPP domain (Smack 4.2) XMPP domain is more verbose
PacketFilter StanzaMatcher (Smack 4.3) Filter is ambiguous: Does the filter withhold or pass?

New class hierarchy (Smack 4.3)


               XmppClientConnection             (XmppS2cConnection)    (XmppS2sConnection)   (XmppComponentConnection)
               [a XMPP C2S stream]

XmppClientTcpConnection         XmppClientBoshConnection