Creating Data Targets - idaholab/Deep-Lynx GitHub Wiki
Data Targets
- Completed Getting Started
- Created a container
Data Targets are used when a query result needs to be sent to an external endpoint on a regular interval.
To create a DataTarget the user specifies the query they want to use, their target endpoint and the interval and DeepLynx will automatically run the configuration at the interval set.
** Currently this can only be done my manually by configuring the body of an http post request **
(future implementations will have an option for pushing to queue on interval or on button click)
Data Target Types
Creating Data Targets
To create data targets you will need to use Postman or another http client (In the future, there will be a GUI for creation)
- The post request is found under
containers/{container id}/export/datatargets/
POST Create Data Target - Edit parameters to specify container
- Edit request body