Bib entries - ices-taf/doc GitHub Wiki

See also: Creating a TAF analysis, Example data records.

In this guide

General format

A metadata file contains one or more entries that use a general BibTeX format:

  field = {value},

Consider, for example, the following metadata entry from a DATA.bib file:

  originator = {WGNSSK},
  year       = {2016},
  title      = {Survey indices: UK_BTS, FR_GFS, IN_YFS},
  period     = {1987-2015},
  access     = {Public},
  source     = {file},

Here, a data file is described using the @Misc entry type and the string following the entry type is called a key. The next fields state that this file was prepared by the North Sea working group in 2016, it contains survey indices from 1987 to 2015, and access to this file is public. It is not necessary to specify the stock name, since that will be automatically recorded on the TAF server.

Source field

The special value source = {file} means that the key, in this case PLE7DFleet_2016.txt, is the name of the file located inside boot/initial/data. This file shorthand notation is equivalent to specifying the relative path: source = {initial/data/PLE7DFleet_2016.txt}.

The source field specifies where data or software originate from. The following types of values can be used in the source field:

  1. GitHub reference of the form owner/repo[/subdir]@ref, identifying a specific version of GitHub resource, such as an R package. A fixed reference such as a tag, release, or SHA-1 hash is recommended. Branch names, such as main, are pointers that are subject to change and therefore not reliable as long-term references.

  2. URL starting with http://, https://, or ftp://, identifying a file to download.

  3. Special value script, indicating that a boot script should be run to fetch files from a web service. The metadata key is used both to identify the script boot/key.R and target directory boot/data/key.

  4. Relative path starting with initial, identifying the location of a file or directory provided by the user.

  5. Special value file or folder, indicating that the metadata key points to a file or folder location.

Model settings

Model settings can be stored in a file or folder inside boot/initial/data and included as a simple DATA.bib entry, for example:

  originator = {HAWG},
  year       = {2019},
  title      = {Model settings},
  source     = {file},

Software version

Another example metadata entry is from a SOFTWARE.bib file:

  author  = {Laurence T Kell},
  year    = {2018},
  title   = {{FLAssess}: Generic classes and methods for stock assessment
  version = {2.6.2, released 2018-07-18},
  source  = {flr/[email protected]},

This entry describes a specific version of an R package that is required for the TAF analysis. It is similar, but not identical, to the output from the R command citation("FLAssess"). The version field specifies the version number and release date. When an R package is not an official release but a development version, the version and source may look like this,

  version = {2.6.3, committed 2018-10-09},
  source  = {flr/FLAssess@f1e5acb},

or this:

  version = {0.5.4 components branch, committed 2018-03-12},
  source  = {fishfollower/SAM/stockassessment@25b3591},

For development versions like these, the version number itself may not be important or accurate, but the branch name and commit date can be informative. The 7-character SHA reference code is a pointer to the exact version of the package required for the analysis.

If software entry A depends on entry B, then B should be listed before A in SOFTWARE.bib, so they are installed in the right order.

As a final metadata example, we look at a software entry that is not an R package. It is made available as a directory sole containing the model source code (sole.tpl) and executables for different platforms (sole, sole.exe). The model does not have an explicit version number, so the version field contains the year in which the model is used, along with the date when the source code was last modified:

  author  = {G. Aarts and J.J. Poos},
  year    = {2009},
  title   = {Comprehensive discard reconstruction and abundance estimation
             using flexible selectivity functions},
  journal = {ICES Journal of Marine Science},
  volume  = {66},
  pages   = {763-771},
  doi     = {10.1093/icesjms/fsp033},
  version = {2016, last modified 2016-04-27},
  source  = {initial/software/sole},

Multiple URLs

The source field can specify multiple URLs to download, separated by commas (and optionally newlines). To shorten the source entries, the prefix field can be useful to specify a prefix that is common for all source entries.

Dir field

The dir field is optional and creates a directory to place files in. If the dir field is used, it can only have the value dir = {TRUE} and the resulting directory will be named after the metadata key. The dir field is mainly useful when two or more data files that need to be downloaded have the same name. It is implied and not necessary to set dir = {TRUE} when source = {script} or when the source field specifies multiple URLs.


In summary, the metadata are similar to bibliographic entries, with the important addition of source directives that guide the boot procedure to set up data files and software.