HOWTO: Monitoring with the Graphical Environment - ibmcb/cbtool GitHub Wiki

Before you can monitor your experiments, make sure you have followed previous tutorials on how to:

  1. Connect to Your Cloud with the Graphical Environment
  2. Interact with the Graphical Environment
  3. When you're finished with this tutorial, you can try to customize the graphical monitoring dashboard

Monitoring your Benchmarks:

Click on the "Dashboard" tab after you have some VMs or Virtual Applications running:

Here you have several categories of runtime information to choose from:

  1. Provisioning Metrics
  2. Application Metrics
  3. VM operating system metrics (provided by Ganglia)
  4. Host operating system metrics (if your cloud exposes them)


Additional Birds-Eye-View "Statistics"

The framework can potentially have thousands of virtual machines involved in a Benchmark which cannot be easily visualized. If you click on the "Statistics" tab, there are several other lower-level runtime statistics to give a birds-eye view of the running experiment.


Changing "Configuration" During Runtime:

For more advanced users, the "configuration" tab gives you a direct way to change the parameters of a running experiment during runtime.

For example, you might want to adjust the load-injection parameters of a particular application type or any other configurable parts of the experiment:
