How to setup GlusterFS for using with IBM MQ MFT - ibm-messaging/mq-mft GitHub Wiki


IBM MQ Managed File Transfer can be used for transferring files from one point to another in an IBM MQ network. Apart from moving files, MFT can also move messages from a queue and write them as files at the destination i.e. Message-to-File transfer. MFT can also do other way round i.e. turn file(s) to message(s). MFT can also send/receive files to/from FTP, FTPS and SFTP server as well Sterling Connect:Direct.

MFT can read/write files from/to number of file systems like FAT32, NTFS, GPFS etc., In this article we describe steps to setup GlusterFS and MFT so that MFT agent writes files to GlusterFS file system.

GlusterFS is a scalable network filesystem suitable for data-intensive tasks such as cloud storage and media streaming. GlusterFS is free and open source software and can utilize common off-the-shelf hardware. More on GlusterFS is here:

GlusterFS supports five types of content distribution in volume namely Distributed, Replicated, Striped, Distributed Striped and Distributed Replicated. More details here:

In Replicated type, a file gets replicated across multiple nodes of GlusterFS. However in case of GlusterFS Distributed content distribution, a file does not get replicated, instead a file can be sent any of the GlusterFS nodes. The distributed type content distribution is not suitable for MFT because in case of an agent restart, the file data might be written to a different GlusterFS node instead of the node the agent was writing to before restart. In such cases transfer will restart instead of resuming, a .part file will remain in one of the node and the other node will have complete file. Hence in this article we choose GlusterFS Replicated type of content distribution.

Here is the architecture of the setup.

There are two distinct parts in this setup. GlusterFS setup and MFT. We use two nodes for setting up GlusterFS server. The third server is used to mount GlusterFS as client as well as to setup an MFT agent. The two nodes of GlusterFS server run Ubuntu 16.04 Linux while the GlusterFS client and MFT agent will also be on Ubuntu 16.04 Linux system.

We use a single queue manager as agent, command and coordination queue managers. The queue manager will be on a Windows 2012 R2 server. Another agent that we use as source agent will be on the same Windows 2012 R2 server.

We use MQ v9.1 queue manager and MFT Redistributable Agent package for setting up agents. Agents will connect to queue manager in clients mode.

Setup GlusterFS server

The first part of the setup is to install and configure GlusterFS on two nodes. We will use GlusterFS version 5. The two nodes are named as glusterfsn1 ( and glusterfsn2 (

Setup on glusterfsn1:

  1. Login to glusterfsn1 using SSH.

  2. Install python software properties using:

apt-get install python-software-properties

  1. Download GlusterFS 5

add-apt-repository ppa:gluster/glusterfs-5

  1. Do an update

apt-get update

  1. Now install GlusterFS

apt-get install glusterfs-server

Repeat the above steps on second node glusterfsn2.

Test the GlusterFS server.

  1. Run the following on glusterfsn1

gluster peer probe

The response should be:

Probe successful.

  1. Check for peers by running on glusterfsn1

gluster peer status

The response would be something like

Number of Peers: 1


Uuid: 0f3aa4f4-f9dd-4cd2-a7a5-126606fbab33

State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

The same command can be run on glusterfsn2 node as well to test the peer status.

Next we create directories on both GlusterFS servers. These will be used as mounting volumes on third node. As mentioned earlier we use Replicated type content distribution.

  1. Run the following on glusterfsn1. The command will create two directories /mnt/mftrepl1 and /mnt/mftrepl2.

mkdir /mnt/mftrepl{1,2}

  1. Run the following on glusterfsn2. The command will create two directories /mnt/mftrepl3 and /mnt/mftrepl4.

mkdir /mnt/mftrepl{3,4}

  1. Now create volumes for the directories created above. Run the following on glusterfsn1 node

gluster volume create mftreplicated replica 4 transport tcp force

The output of the command would be as below if the command succeeds

volume create: mftreplicated: success: please start the volume to access data

  1. Now start the volume by running the following command on glusterfsn1.

gluster volume start replicated

The output of the command would be on the following lines

volume start: replicated: success

This completes the GlusterFS server setup.

Setup GlusterFS client

The following commands must be run on the third machine to mount GlusterFS volume. We will name the machine as

  1. Run the following command to install python.

apt-get install python-software-properties

  1. Run the following to download GlusterFS 5

add-apt-repository ppa:gluster/glusterfs-5

  1. Do an update

apt-get update

  1. Now install the GlusterFS client

apt-get install glusterfs-client

  1. Create a directory and mount the volume

mkdir /mnt/replica

mount.glusterfs mftreplicated /mnt/replica/

Now test it by

df –h /mnt/replica

The output would be something like:

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on 116G 2.3G 114G 2% /mnt/replica

This completes the GlusterFS client setup. Now it’s time to setup MQ and MFT Agents.

Setup queue manager on Windows 2012

1)Create and start a queue manager QM_ALL

crtmqm QM_ALL

strmqm QM_ALL

2)Run MQSC

runmqsc QM_ALL

3)Run the following to setup a listener, server connection channel and channel authentication for user ‘mftuser.









Queue manager setup is complete now. Next setup MFT agents.

IBM MQ Managed File Transfer Setup

We will one agent called AG_WIN on the same Windows box as the queue manager and other agent, AG_GLUS on Ubuntu 16.04 Linux box where GlusterFS volume is mounted.

First download the following MFT Redistributable packages on to Windows box onto Linux box.

Setting up agent on Windows box

  1. On Windows box unzip the to a directory using 7-zip or any other extraction tool. We will unzip the package to C:\MFTREDIST.

  2. Once unzipped, the C:\MFTREDIST will have all the required binaries and other files of MFT. Open a command shell and change directory to C:\MFTREDIST.


  1. Create a data directory for storing MFT configuration and log files.


  1. Setup the environment for MFT by running

fteCreateEnvironment –d C:\MFTDATA

  1. Setup coordination queue manager configuration

fteSetupCoordination -coordinationQMgr QMALL -coordinationQMgrHost -coordinationQMgrPort 1414 -coordinationQMgrChannel MFT_CHANNEL

  1. Setup commands configuration

fteSetupCommands -p QM_ALL -connectionQMgrHost -connectionQMgrPort 1414 -connectionQMgrChannel MFT_CHANNEL -connectionQMgr QM_ALL –f

  1. At this point MQMFTCredentials.xml file must be created in user’s home directory as the agent will be configured to connect in clients mode. Create the file with following contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tns:mqmftCredentials xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" MQMFTCredentials.xsd"> <tns:qmgr name="QM_ALL" user="<replace this with logged in user>" mqUserId="mftuser" mqPassword="Passw0rd" useMQCSPAuthentication="true"/> </tns:mqmftCredentials>

Note: Replace the value of attribute user with your logged in user name.

  1. Setup agent AG_WIN

fteCreateAgent -p QM_ALL -agentQMgrHost -agentQMgrPort 1414 -agentQMgrChannel MFT_CHANNEL -agentName AG_WIN -agentQMgr QM_ALL –f

  1. Start the agent

fteStartAgent AG_WIN

  1. Verify the status of agent by running


Setting up agent on Linux box

  1. Untar the package to directory




  1. Once unzipped, the /MFTREDIST will have all the required binaries and other files of MFT. Open a command shell and change directory to /MFTREDIST.


  1. Create a data directory for storing MFT configuration and log files.


  1. Setup the environment for MFT by running

fteCreateEnvironment –d /MFTDATA

  1. Setup coordination queue manager configuration

fteSetupCoordination -coordinationQMgr QMALL -coordinationQMgrHost -coordinationQMgrPort 1414 -coordinationQMgrChannel MFT_CHANNEL

  1. Setup commands configuration

fteSetupCommands -p QM_ALL -connectionQMgrHost -connectionQMgrPort 1414 -connectionQMgrChannel MFT_CHANNEL -connectionQMgr QM_ALL –f

  1. At this point MQMFTCredentials.xml file must be created in user’s home directory as the agent will be configured to connect in clients mode. Create the file with following contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tns:mqmftCredentials xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" MQMFTCredentials.xsd"> <tns:qmgr name="QM_ALL" user="<logged in user>" mqUserId="mftuser" mqPassword="Passw0rd" useMQCSPAuthentication="true"/> </tns:mqmftCredentials>

Note: Replace the value of attribute user with your logged in user name.

  1. Create agent AG_GLUS

fteCreateAgent -p QM_ALL -agentQMgrHost -agentQMgrPort 1414 -agentQMgrChannel MFT_CHANNEL -agentName AG_GLUS -agentQMgr QM_ALL –f

  1. Start the agent

fteStartAgent AG_GLUS

  1. Verify the status of agent by running


The output should both AG_WIN and AG_GLUS in READY state

Test the setup

Now test the setup by transferring a file from Windows box to GlusterFS and verify the file is present on GlusterFS servers.

fteCreateTransfer -rt -1 -sa AG_WIN -sm QM_ALL -da AGGLUS -dm QM_ALL -de overwrite -df "/mnt/replica/onebigfile.txt" C:\Temp\onebigfile.txt

Once the transfer completes verify that the file is present on both nodes of GlusterFS server. On and, do the following.

cd /mnt/mftrepl1

ls –l

The output on both nodes would be something like this:

-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 143689776 Nov 1 00:09 onebigfile.txt.

The output verifies the setup is completed successfully.

Try it!!!

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️