Granite Timeseries Cookbook Roadmap - ibm-granite-community/pm GitHub Wiki

Future TOC

This represents the TOC as we would like to see it. Three levels of priority order are represented: Now, Next, and Later.

  • Now (or Completed): items in boldface
  • Next: items in plaintext
  • Later: and items in italics

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started - Simple Forecasting
    1. Energy Demand Forecasting
  2. Preprocessor Use and Performance Evaluation
    1. Energy Demand Forecasting - Evaluation
  3. Model Fine Tuning for Multivariate Data
    1. Energy Demand Forecasting - Fine Tuning

Dependency Graph

This is a visual representation of the cumulative order of recipes. Follow the arrows from left to right as you build applications of greater complexity and sophistication.