5. ODrive - iangohy/SUTDoggo GitHub Wiki

5.1 Preparing your computer

  1. Install odrivetool by following steps found here.

    On Ubuntu:

    sudo apt install  -y python3 python3-pip
    sudo pip3 install --upgrade odrive
  2. Power the ODrive.

    Source: https://docs.odriverobotics.com/#safety--power-up

    • Unlike some devices, the ODrive does not recieve power over the USB port so the 24/56 volt power input is required even just to communicate with it using USB. It is ok to power up the ODrive before or after connecting the USB cable.
    • To power up the ODrive, connect the power source to the DC terminals. Make sure to pay attention to the polarity. Try to connect the power source first and then turn it on to avoid inrush current. If this can’t be avoided then a small spark is normal. This is caused by the capacitors charging up.
  3. Open a terminal and run odrivetool

  4. Connect the ODrive board and wait for odrivetool to detect it. Below is a example of successful detection.

ODrive control utility v0.5.1
Please connect your ODrive.
Type help() for help.

Connected to ODrive 306A396A3235 as odrv0
  • If the ODrive is not connecting, try changing the power source. A dim light on the ODrive indicates insufficient power.
  1. Install recommended ODrive development tools. Follow instructions here.

    For Ubuntu >= 20.04

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ncurses-dev git make openocd tup python3 python3-yaml python3-jinja2 python3-jsonschema python-is-python3 gcc-arm-none-eabi

5.2 Build custom firmware

  1. Navigate to .../ODrive/Firmware.
  2. Edit tup.config to change the value of CONFIG_BOARD_VERSION to match your ODrive board.
ODrive model Value Remarks
3.1 v3.1 Untested
3.2 v3.2 Untested
3.3 v3.3 Untested
3.4 24v v3.4-24V Untested
3.4 48v v3.4-48V Untested
3.5 24v v3.5-24V
3.5 48v v3.5-48V
3.6 24v v3.6-24V
3.6 56v v3.6-56V
  1. Run make.

5.3 Erase configuration

  1. Open a terminal and run sudo odrivetool.
  2. Plug in powered ODrive and wait for odrivetool to detect the ODrive.
Downloading json data from ODrive... (this might take a while)
Connected to ODrive 3355365B3339 as odrv0
  1. Run odrv0.erase_configuration().
  2. Run exit().

5.4 Flash custom firmware

  1. Turn off ODrive power and plug in the BLDC motors to the ODrive.
  2. Flash the doggo custom ODrive firmware. For ODrive 3.5 and higher, navigate to .../Odrive run the following:
sudo odrivetool dfu Firmware/build/ODriveFirmware.hex 

For users of ODrive 3.4 and lower please refer to https://docs.odriverobotics.com/odrivetool.html#flashing-with-an-stlink for firmware flashing instructions When successful, Device firmware update successful will be printed.

  1. Configure the ODrive. Be careful as the motors will move.
python3 tools/doggo_setup.py

5.5 Connecting ODrive to Teensy

5.5.1 Table of connection pins

Connection Teensy Pins ODrive Pins
ODrive1 (odrv0) P0 (RX1) GPIO1 (ODrive TX)
ODrive1 (odrv0) P1 (TX1) GPIO2 (ODrive RX)
ODrive1 (odrv0) GND GND
ODrive2 (odrv1) P9 (RX2) GPIO1 (ODrive TX)
ODrive2 (odrv1) P10 (TX2) GPIO2 (ODrive RX)
ODrive2 (odrv0) GND GND
ODrive3 (odrv2) P7 (RX3) GPIO1 (ODrive TX)
ODrive3 (odrv2) P8 (TX3) GPIO2 (ODrive RX)
ODrive3 (odrv0) GND GND
ODrive4 (odrv3) P31 (RX4) GPIO1 (ODrive TX)
ODrive4 (odrv3) P32 (TX4) GPIO2 (ODrive RX)
ODrive4 (odrv0) GND GND

5.5.2 Teensy 3.6 Pinout

Teensy 3.6 Pinout

Source: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/pinout.html