sizes - iamgio/quarkdown GitHub Wiki

Many functions accept sizes as arguments. This page explains the correct format to define them.

Single size (Size)

When a Size value is required, strings with a numeric value (either integer or floating point) and a unit suffix are accepted.

Supported units:

  • px pixels;
  • pt points;
  • cm centimeters;
  • mm millimeters;
  • in inches.

Examples of accepted values are: 12px, 2cm, 5.3in.

Units can be omitted. In that case, px is used.

Size group (Sizes)

Some other parameters require a group of sizes, also known as Sizes.
This is required, for example, by .pageformat's margin parameter, and allows setting up to four different values for each side of a rectangle.

Its format is the same as CSS, with three different ways to express a size group:

  • Single value: a single Size value applied to all sides (e.g. 8px);
  • Vertical/horizontal: two Size values, separated by a space, applied to top-bottom and left-right, respectively (e.g. 2cm 15mm);
  • TRBL: four Size values, separated by a space, respectively assigned to top, right, bottom and left sides (e.g. 2.1in 4cm 2px 2cm).
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