markdown content - iamgio/quarkdown GitHub Wiki

Many functions accept rich MarkQuarkdown content as their argument.

Block content

Usually accepted by body parameters, block content refers to one or more block element that Quarkdown supports. This includes paragraphs, headings, code blocks, quotes, block function calls, etc.
Inner inline element is, of course, processed as well.

In other words, everything you can express with Quarkdown outside a function call, will also work here.

  # My centered title

  This is a paragraph in a **centered** block!

  > This is a _blockquote_.
  > It spans over multiple sub-paragraphs.

  <!-- A nested block function call -->

See more: .center, .row

Inline content

Inline content strictly accepts inline data, ignoring any block syntax. This includes plain text, strong (bold), emphasis (italics), code spans, links, images, inline math, inline function calls, etc.

.box {My _box_ title}

See more: .box

Block syntax has no effect where inline content is required. In the following example, # My box is parsed as plain text, since headings are blocks.

.box {# My box}

Inline function calls are accepted:

.box {3 + 2 is .sum {3} {2}}

See more: .sum

In general, everything that can be put inside a paragraph can go into an inline argument as well.

This is the link to .text {[Quarkdown](} size:{large}
.text result

See more: .text

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