iterable - iamgio/quarkdown GitHub Wiki
Iterable values are ordered lists or unordered set that can be iterated through a loop.
Iterables can be destructured: see Destructuring for more.
An ordered or unordered Markdown list is automatically converted to an ordered iterable.
This feature is currently limited:
- The text content of each item is used as a dynamic value, allowing it to be adapted to any other type as invocation time;
- Nested lists are not supported.
.var {letters}
- A
- B
- C
.foreach {.letters}
.lowercase {.1}
A pair is an iterable of two values.
It may be created via .pair {first} {second}
or retrieved from a Dictionary's entry.
When used in a function which requires an iterable, a Dictionary value is used as a list of key-value pairs.
An integer Range
is a valid ordered iterable value.
The following operations on iterables are valid (note that indexes start at 1):
.getat {index} {iterable}
.getat {index} {iterable} {orelse}
(fallback value if the index is out of bounds) .first {iterable}
.second {iterable}
.third {iterable}
.last {iterable}