1.1_competitive_analysis - iamDistractech/Player2 GitHub Wiki

1.1 Competitive Analysis

The following table is a quick overview of the competitors. This is based on some deskresearch and the survey. Both Tinder and Bumble were the most named in the survey so there is a more in-depth analysis on these in the subpages.

Service provider Target Audience Price USP
Tinder Everyone Free with microtransactions Quick way to finding a match
Bumble Everyone Free with microtransactions Gives women the lead in dating, Offers a dating mode, finding friends mode and a business mode
Gamer Dating Gamers Free with premium subscription Find people with the same favorite games and get free games for subscribing
SoulGeek Geeks including Gamers Free Find the same geeky people
Cuddli Geeks Free with premium Requires link with facebook for catfish protection