OSD custom messages - iNavFlight/inav GitHub Wiki

One of INAV's most useful features has been the Programming Framework . Allowing users to customize their flight logic, to suit their requirements.

But from the release of INAV 7.1.0 there is the addition of custom OSD elements. So users can add their own messages, and display relevant global variables derived from the Programming framework.

The settings are found under the Configurator OSD tab.

Custom elements GV elements

With 3 custom elements available. And various user selections. Which are as follows.

Options Description
NONE Don't use any selection in the drop-down
TEXT Displays text. 0 - 15 characters which can include [A-Z] [0-9] [^!.\*] * Text can only be used once in a single element, due to memory limitations
ICON STATIC User can select a character number from the INAV OSD , they want to display as a descriptive reference
ICON GV Displays the driven global variable
GV Data within the global variable can be displayed in these decimal format's [00000 000.00 000 0.0]
VISIBILITY Choose when to display custom message - Always or as the result of a Global Variable or Logic Condition being met

This video made by the features developer. Shows an example of a custom element, which is the !GROUND! message, and a GV containing Lidar altitude above the surface. With a static altitude character beside it.

This is a simple example of a stall warning indicator

The logic checks if the AoA is greater than 20 degrees, with the airspeed being less than 30km/h, or if the throttle is less than 48%. Makes sure you enable the virtual pitot if you do not use a real pitot. Values can be altered to suit your models requirements.

Stall warning logic

The message will display STALL WARNING with a warning symbol (221). The stall message will only appear when the conditions are met.

OSD warning