2.5.1 Release notes - iNavFlight/inav GitHub Wiki

Hello and welcome to INAV 2.5.1 Release!

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Release Notes

This is a bug-fix release. Notable changes:

Allow override of max power capability for buggy VTXes

Since 2.5.1 TRAMP protocol detects max power that VTX is reporting and caps the max setting to that power. Some VTXes don't report that properly. A new CLI setting vtx_max_power_override allows to set the max power manually in such cases. Use caution!

ESC telemetry fix

Due to a regression bug in 2.5.0 DSHOT ESC telemetry was not working. This is now fixed.

Always process VTX driver updates, regardless of arming state

Legacy condition that limited VTX updates to unarmed state only is now removed. VTX settings changes in flight are not working reliably.

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