Glossary of Terms - i-on-project/integration GitHub Wiki

This section defines several concepts that will be used throughout this reference documentation and in the code of i-on Integration.

Academic Year A period composed of academic activities, divided by multiple calendar terms. Starts after the summer holidays and ends in the following year after the spring season.

Calendar Term The calendar term refers to a portion of an academic year. A term may differ per country, referring to specific periods as semester, trimester, or quarter. In this document the calendar term will refer to the academic year and a semester, either Fall semester or Spring semester.

Curricular Term Represents a term in a cycle of qualification, either undergraduate or graduate. The period of the term depends on the programme and institution, but typically can be semesters, trimesters, or quarters.

Classes An instance of a course in a particular calendar term.

Courses A set of knowledge, skills and competences associated with a scientific area that students develop through lectures.

Event An academic activity or occurrence that can represent a date limit or a period.

Evaluations Academic assessments conducted during a term or at the end of a term that assess knowledge and skills contributing to the student’s grade in a course.

Exam Academic assessment in the end of a term, evaluating the knowledge of a student in relation to a course syllabus.

Interruptions Interruption of lectures during an academic year.

Lectures Teaching sessions provided by accredited educators or instructors. Can be theoretical, practical, theoretical-practical, or laboratorial.

Programme A set of educational components – based on learning outcomes – that are recognized for the award of a qualification.

Scientific Area Aggregates the several courses that compose an area of science studies.

School Any higher education institution that offers an undergraduate or a graduate cycle of qualification through a programme.

Section Group of students which attend one or multiple classes at a school. It is designated by a curricular term and may have an association with a programme.

Test Academic assessment conducted in during a term, evaluating the knowledge of a student, typically in relation to a part of the course syllabus.