Simulation Logs: Record__ParticleCount - hyschive/gamer-fork GitHub Wiki

This file records the particle allocation and distribution.


Time = 0.0000000e+00,  Step =       0,  NPar =    6684118

Rank          Level 0           Level 1           Level 2           Level 3           Level 4           Level 5
   0        0(  0.00%)        0(  0.00%)    10163(  0.15%)   254323(  3.80%)  1520714( 22.75%)        0(  0.00%)
   1        0(  0.00%)        0(  0.00%)    11232(  0.17%)   272404(  4.08%)  1273177( 19.05%)        0(  0.00%)
   2        0(  0.00%)        0(  0.00%)    11329(  0.17%)   272230(  4.07%)  1273371( 19.05%)        0(  0.00%)
   3        1(  0.00%)        0(  0.00%)    10125(  0.15%)   256763(  3.84%)  1518286( 22.71%)        0(  0.00%)
Sum:        1(  0.00%)        0(  0.00%)    42849(  0.64%)  1055720( 15.79%)  5585548( 83.56%)        0(  0.00%)
Ave:        0.25              0.00          10712.25         263930.00        1396387.00              0.00
Imb:        1(300.00%)        0(  0.00%)    11329(  5.76%)   272404(  3.21%)  1520714(  8.90%)        0(  0.00%)
Weighted load-imbalance factor =   8.41%

Table format: This table follows the same format as Record__PatchCount except that the number of patches is replaced by particles.


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️