Runtime Parameters: Input__DumpTable - hyschive/gamer-fork GitHub Wiki

Timetable for dumping data when adopting OPT__OUTPUT_MODE=3. The following example will dump data at t=1.0, 2.3, and 3.7.

#Dump ID             Dump Time
       0                   1.0
       1                   2.3
       2                   3.7
***************END LINE***************

Note that this text file currently has a quite inflexible format:

  • Must have one and only one header line.

  • The first column (i.e., the dump IDs 0, 1, 2 in the example above) is actually useless and will not be loaded at all. The output timetable must be put in the second column.

  • Empty and comment lines (i.e., lines starting with #) are NOT allowed except in the first header line.

  • Timetable must be in ascending order.

  • The loading routine will stop loading when detecting a line starting with *. All remaining lines will be ignored.

  • Simulation end time END_T loaded from Input__Parameter will be reset to the maximum output time in the dump table if the latter is found to be smaller.

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