Installation: Machine Configuration File - hyschive/gamer-fork GitHub Wiki

The machine configuration file is under configs. The configuration file contains the library paths, the compiler types, the compilation flags, and the GPU compute capability.


Check the configs directory to see if there is a configuration file already available for your machine.

Set Up the Machine Configuration File

To set up your machine configuration file, go to configs and make a copy of template.config to modify it.

cd configs
cp template.config your_machine.config

Please refer to the following sections to set up your machine configuration file.

0. Rules of the configuration file

  • Comments must start with #.
  • The variable name and its value must be separated by space(s).

1. Library paths

For example, MPI_PATH can be set by:

MPI_PATH /usr/local/mpich-3.2

Please also check out the installation of External Libraries.

2. Compilers

There are two compilers in this section: C++ (CXX) and MPI (CXX_MPI).


MPI_PATH/bin/ will be combined with CXX_MPI automatically

3. Compilation flags

For example, CXXFLAG can be set by:




Here is a table of all the available flag variables:

Flag name Description
CXXFLAG Flags for compiler CXX and CXX_MPI
LIBFLAG Flags for all libraries
NVCCFLAG_COM Flags for nvcc compiler
NVCCFLAG_FLU Flags for fluid solver files
NVCCFLAG_POT Flags for Poisson/gravity solvers files

4. GPU compute capability

The GPU compute capability can be calculated by major_verison*100 + minor_version*10. For example, for GeForce RTX 4090, set GPU_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY 890 (8*100 + 9*10).



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