Home - humphd/topics-in-open-source-2024 GitHub Wiki


Welcome to the Topics In Open Source wiki! All weekly notes, links, and submissions will happen via the wiki.

You are welcome to edit or improve anything in the wiki. Please respect other students' submissions to the wiki, and don't erase anything they add without talking to them first.

Weekly Notes

  1. Week 1 - Course Intro
  2. Week 2 - Open Source Licensing, Intro to Git
  3. Week 3 - Git Branching, Cloning, Forking, Pull Requests
  4. Week 4 - Git Merge and Branch Workflows
  5. Week 5 - Git Remotes, Fetch and Pull
  6. Week 6 - Git Rebase
  7. Week 7 - Strategies for Reading Large Source Code
  8. Week 8 - Static Analysis Tooling
  9. Week 9 - Automated Testing
  10. Week 10 - CI/CD, Reproducible Dev Environments
  11. Week 11 - Automating Releases
  12. Week 12 - Git Bisect
  13. Week 13 - Code Review
  14. Week 14 - Course Conclusion


  1. Lab 1
  2. Lab 2
  3. Lab 3
  4. Lab 4
  5. Lab 5
  6. Lab 6
  7. Lab 7
  8. Lab 8
  9. Lab 9


  1. Release 0.1
  2. Release 0.2
  3. Release 0.3
  4. Release 0.4


Open Source is about community and people working together to solve complex problems together. Being part of a community of software developers will help you write better code, and hopefully have more fun!

Our community is made up of these amazing people:

Name GitHub Blog
David Humphrey humphd https://blog.humphd.org
Nonthachai Plodthong fadingNA https://dev.to/fadingna/
Majd Al Mnayer Mounayer https://dev.to/majd_almnayer_2101
Lily Huang lilyhuang-github https://vriskaserket2.wordpress.com/
Henrique Toshio Sagara HTSagara https://dev.to/htsagara
Cleo Buenaventura cleobnvntra https://dev.to/cleobnvntra
Abdullah Al Mamun Fahim aamfahim https://dev.to/aamfahim
Uday Rana uday-rana https://dev.to/udayrana
Kannav Sethi Kannav02 https://dev.to/kannav02
Mayank Kumar mayank-Pareek https://dev.to/mayankpareek
Fahad Ali Khan Fahad-Ali-Khan-ca https://dev.to/fahadalikhanca
Hyunjin Shin gitdevjin https://dev.to/jinger-ale
Aryan Khurana AryanK1511 https://aryank1511.hashnode.dev/
Anh Chien Vu AnhChienVu https://dev.to/anhchienvu
Peter Wan peterdanwan https://dev.to/peterdanwan
Bregwin Jogi brokoli777 https://dev.to/bregwin
Harshil Patel hpatel292-seneca https://dev.to/harshil_patel
Krinskumar Vaghasia KrinsKumar https://dev.to/krinskumar
Rong Chen Elisassa https://dev.to/elisaaa
Christian Duarte cduarte3 https://dev.to/cduarte3
Vinh Nhan vinhyan https://dev.to/vinhyan
Liam Hutchinson mpa-LHutchinson https://dev.to/mpalhutchinson
Arina Kolodeznikova arilloid https://dev.to/arilloid/series/28695
Andrii Sych SychAndrii https://dev.to/sych_andrii
Amir Mullagaliev mulla028 https://dev.to/amullagaliev
Jerus Allen Dorotan jadorotan https://dev.to/jadorotan
Adam Davis Add00 https://dev.to/add00
Aldrin Fernandez aldrin312 https://dev.to/aldrin312
Madhur Saluja MadhurSaluja https://dev.to/msaluja
Theo TheoForger https://dev.to/theoforger
Tasbi Tasbi Tasbi03 https://dev.to/tasbi03
Buxton Philp-Preuss Buxton-Philp-Preuss https://dev.to/buxton_philp-preuss
Inderpreet Singh Parmar InderParmar https://dev.to/inderpreet
Ajo George ajogseneca https://dev.to/ajogseneca
Fahad Ali Khan Fahad-Ali-Khan-ca https://dev.to/fahadalikhanca/code-review-20h