Features - huifeng248/AirBnb GitHub Wiki
User Authentication
- New User can create an account with a username, first name, last name, email address, and password. Once submitted with invalid data, user will be informed with the validations they fails to pass.
- New user without an account can log in as a demo user.
- Existing users can log in to their account and check their uploaded photos, spot listing and reviews.
- Only logged-in users can address certain features, such as create, updating, editing, deleting listings, review, and etc.
- Users can log out account anytime and redirect to the home page.
- abbybnb is an online homestay marketplace and every user can create a listing on their properties.
- Every new user can create, updating, editing, deleting their own listings.
User can also leave comments for the listings.
Every new user can create, updating, editing, deleting their own reviews
Spots (Full CRUD)?
Reviews (Create, Read, and Delete)