test - huang2002/3h-test GitHub Wiki


 * Type of test case callbacks.
type TestCaseCallback = (context: TestContext) => void | PromiseLike<void>;

 * Type of test case descriptions.
interface TestCaseDescription {
    options: TestContextOptions;
    callback: TestCaseCallback;

 * Type of test cases.
interface TestCases {
    [name: string]: TestCaseCallback | TestCaseDescription;

 * Type of test options.
type TestOptions = Partial<{
     * Default options for test contexts.
    defaultOptions: TestContextOptions | null;
      * Whether to print detailed info.
      * @default true
    verbose: boolean;
     * Only run tests whose names are listed here.
     * Omit this option to run all tests.
    include: string[];
     * Skip tests whose names are listed here.
    exclude: string[];

 * Run the given tests and print results to console.
 * (Note that the options in the test case description
 * will override the default options.)
const test: (options: TestOptions | null, testCases: TestCases) => Promise<void>;
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