CICD pipeline - htalexnguyen/htapp GitHub Wiki

To improve:

  • Automatically trigger the build process when a PR created, new commits pushed.
  • To automate the app distribution so QA can easily install the app for testing (Test flight, Firebase, App Center).
  • Start adopting codepush.


  • Daily builds are automated and always be ready for changes that being merged to develop (features, bug-fixes).
  • With Github & Jira integration, the whole teams will be up to date.
  • By passing app-store review with JS changes using codepush.
  • Having different branches for each PR created but in one build (if there is no native code changed), tester can just switch the branch name in app.


  • when I create a PR to merge my new feature to develop, CICD system will trigger a build based on my feature branch and distribute it.
  • In the mean time the Jira task that linked to my feature is also updated with new changes from github such as PR status (open, closed, merged), commits.
  • We can also notify to team ms channel when the build is ready for test.