draw_text_transformed - hpgDesigns/hpgdesigns-dev.io GitHub Wiki

NOTOC This function is part of the function set Drawing text



Draws a regular text string with top left corner placed at (x,y) position using the drawing color and alpha. xscale and yscale is the horizontal scale and vertical scale (default: 1). angle is the direction to which rotate the text. 0 is right direction and 90 is up.

A # symbol or carriage return chr(13) or linefeed chr(10) are interpreted as newline characters. Note that EDL string settings can allow you to use the \n escape sequence in place of the # symbol.

To change the text alignment you can use and functions.


  • x, y: The coordinates to draw the text at. (0,0) indicates the top-left corner of the room.
  • string: The textual string to display.
  • xscale: Horizontal scaling of the text. Value of 1 being no scaling.
  • yscale: Vertical scaling of the text. Value of 1 being no scaling.
  • angle: Direction to which rotate the text. 0 is right direction and 90 is up.

Return Values


Example Call

//Draws scaled (two times) and rotated (to 45 degrees) text
draw_text_transformed(100,300,"Scaled and rotated text",2,2,45);
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