d3d_set_projection_ortho - hpgDesigns/hpgdesigns-dev.io GitHub Wiki



Sets the use of a 3D orthographic projection used with any further draw calls. The purpose of it is mainly for drawing your Heads-Up-Display (HUD) after your 3D projections as a layer on top of it, in which case you would also want to disable hidden surface removal to avoid "clipping" off parts of the hud. Also useful for making 2D games have some 3D element's such as lighting because they require 3D mode.


  • x: (x, y) are a screen coordinate for the top left corner of the projection
  • y
  • w: width of the projection
  • h: height of the projection
  • angle: angle of the projection used for rotation

Return Values

none: The function has no return values

Example Call

d3d_set_projection_ortho(0, 0, view_wview[0], view_hview[0], 0);
d3d_draw_block(50, 50, -50, 100, 100, 50, background_get_texture(bg_example), 1, 1);

// draw hud
draw_text(50, 50, "Hello world!");

Demonstrates the use of drawing a 3D cube and then drawing some text on top of it. NOTOC

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