Relative_and_absolute - hpgDesigns/ GitHub Wiki

In GameMaker and LateralGM, absolute indicates a set value. For example, if you set the variable 'puzzles' to be 3, you have set 'puzzles' to be exactly three, without considering what the value of 'puzzles' used to be.

Conversely, relative indicates a change in value. For example, if you set the variable 'puzzles' to be relative to 3, you have increased the value of 'puzzles' by three units. Similarly, if you set it to be relative to -3, you have decreased its value by three units.

In D&D

Whether you are changing a variable absolutely or relatively is determined by whether you check the box 'Relative'


Typing puzzles = 3 will set it to the absolute value of 3. Typing puzzles += 3 will set puzzles to be three greater than its previous value. Typing puzzles -= 3 will set puzzles to be three less than its previous value.

In C
