Rectangle_in_triangle - hpgDesigns/ GitHub Wiki


Checks for an intersection of the given rectangle with the given triangle.


Parameter Data Type Description
sx1 double left coordinate of the source rectangle
sy1 double top coordinate of the source rectangle
sx2 double right coordinate of the source rectangle
sy2 double bottom coordinate of the source rectangle
dx1 double x coordinate of the first side of the destination triangle
dy1 double y coordinate of the first side of the destination triangle
dx1 double x coordinate of the second side of the destination triangle
dy1 double y coordinate of the second side of the destination triangle
dx1 double x coordinate of the third side of the destination triangle
dy1 double y coordinate of the third side of the destination triangle

Return Values

integer: Returns the intersection of the shapes, 0 for none, 1 for encompassed, and 2 for overlapping.

Example Call

// demonstrates checking the intersection of a rectangle and a triangle

