Plural - hpgDesigns/ GitHub Wiki

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y [yi] Property, Entry, Assembly...
f [fv] Leaf, Hoof, Elf, Self, Knife...
ex (ex|ic) Vertex, Index
ix (ix|ic) Matrix, Appendix
ous (ous|ic) Mouse, Louse
oo (oo|ee) Goose, Tooth, Feet
on$ (on|a) Criterion, Phenomenon
um$ (um|a) Bacterium, Curriculum, Medium, Datum
is$ (is)? Axis, Analysis, Thesis
us$ (us|i|.ra) Cactus, Fungus, Octopus, Alumnus, Succubus... Genus, Corpus, Viscus
an$ [ae]n Man, Woman
$ (r?en)? Children, Oxen
$ x? Beau, Bureau, Tableau

The only plural not covered by the entirety of the above table is "person" -> "people".