MediaWiki:Geshi.css - hpgDesigns/ GitHub Wiki

/* CSS placed here will be applied to GeSHi syntax highlighting */ {

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/* */ .gml.source-gml .kw1 {color: #006699; font-weight: normal; } /* view_wview view_hview */ .gml.source-gml .kw2 {color: #BE504B; font-weight: normal; } .gml.source-gml .kw3 {color: #006699; } .gml.source-gml .kw4 {color: #BE504B; } .gml.source-gml .nu0 {color: #0000FF; } /* Comments and multi-line comments */ .gml.source-gml .co1 {color: #008200; } .gml.source-gml .coMULTI {color: #008200; } .gml.source-gml .es0 {color: #0000FF; } .gml.source-gml .st0 {color: #0000FF; } .gml.source-gml .br0 {color: #000000; } .gml.source-gml .sy0 {color: #000000; } .gml.source-gml .li1 {color: #FF0000; } .gml.source-gml .li2 {color: #FF0000; } .gml.source-gml .me1 {color: #FF0000; } .gml.source-gml .me2 {color: #FF0000; }

/* This Can Be Used For Styling EDL If Need Be, But Josh No Likey .edl.source-edl .kw0 {color: #006699; font-weight: normal; } // if var for .edl.source-edl .kw2 {color: #FF0000; } .edl.source-edl .kw3 {color: #006699; } // all the gml functions .edl.source-edl .kw4 {color: #FF0000; } .edl.source-edl .nu0 {color: #0000FF; } // numbers .edl.source-edl .co1 {color: #008200; } // regular comment .edl.source-edl .coMULTI {color: #008200; } // multi-line comment .edl.source-edl .es0 {color: #0000FF; } .edl.source-edl .st0 {color: #0000FF; } .edl.source-edl .br0 {color: #000000; } .edl.source-edl .sy0 {color: #000000; } .edl.source-edl .li1 {color: #FF0000; } .edl.source-edl .li2 {color: #FF0000; }

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