Install:Android - hpgDesigns/ GitHub Wiki

ENIGMA on Android is a WIP things will be broken. This page is to help developers get it set up

Compiling Enigma for Android requires that you have Android Studio installed. Inside Android Studio you will need specific versions of the Android SDK and Android NDK Installed. Newer versions may work but are untested and will require source modification.

Below are images of what your SDK manager should look like in Android Studio

It is also recommended you set up an Android Emulator in Android Studio's AVD manager as well.

''' Some android specific external dependencies such as GLAD and SDL are kept in a separate repository. You will need to clone this repo on top of your existing enigma-dev folder like so: '''

cd enigma-dev/ git clone --depth 1 <> android

I've also only tested build games with emake (our command line build tool) so make sure you have it built as well.

make emake

On Windows there are a few additional fixes you will need to apply. Android NDK doesn't seem to detect you are windows properly when running from msys terminal. To fix this we can edit D:\AndroidSDK\ndk\22.0.6917172\build\core\ lines 156-158 like so:

Note that D:\AndroidSDK will be a different path on your PC you can find it in the first box of

Android requires specific versions of java and it's tools be in your %PATH%. To accommodate this you need to edit C:/msys64/etc/profile and at the bottom put:

export PATH=/d/Android\\ Studio/jre/bin:/d/Android\\ Studio/bin:$PATH

Note that /d/AndroidSDK will be a different path on your PC. You may find it in the first box of

but you will need to use UNIX path conventions like shown above.

  • Note that if you have previously edited /etc/profile to add another java to your path, you will need to remove that edit as well.

Building Games

When building games you will need either an Android emulator running or a phone connected with debugging privileges.

To build an empty game you can run:

ANDROID_API_LEVEL=29 ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION=29.0.3 ./emake.exe -x Android -p SDL -g OpenGLES2 -a None -e Alarms,Paths -o /tmp/test

If all goes well you will see an enigma app appear in the emulator or on the phone. Currently, It may display a white screen or just crash right away.