Get_open_filenames - hpgDesigns/ GitHub Wiki


Displays a multi-select "open file" dialog box. filter has the form 'name1|mask1|name2|mask2a;mask2b' where a typical mask is '*.ext'.


Parameter Description
filter The file filters to use. Some widget systems only support one filter, such as OsaScript and KDailog. Each file filter can support multiple masks.
fname The default filename to display in the dialog's text box. Can also be a directory if you want the dialog to open to a specific folder on initialization.

Return Values

string: Returns the selected absolute path and file name to every file selected, separated by a new line.

Example Call

// This example prompts the user to select sprite images and displays a message box with the files selected as the message. Errors on cancel.
fnames = get_open_filenames("Supported Sprite Image Formats (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.gif)|*.png;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif", "");
if (fnames != "") {
} else {
  show_error("No files selected!", false);