D3d_set_zwriteenable - hpgDesigns/hpgdesigns-dev.io GitHub Wiki
NOTOC {{-}}
Sets whether or not to allow rendering to affect the depth buffer (also known as a Z-buffer). If disabled, objects will render as if hidden surface removal was not being used when rendering, but they without effecting the depth buffer. Definitely needed for rendering 3D particles without artifacts or also for transparent billboards.
eanble whether or not to allow writing to the depth buffer for all subsequent draw calls
Return Values
No values are returned from the function.
Example Call
d3d_draw_wall(0, 0, 0, 0, 1000, 600, background_get_texture(bg_example), 1, 1)
Demontrates rendering a transparent billboard without copying it to the zbuffer to keep it from having alpha-blending artifacts.