Microstack - hpaluch/hpaluch.github.io GitHub Wiki


Microstack is Snap based OpenStack distribution.


There are currently two important things to know:

  1. current version - 245 (tested on Mar 2023) has several issues (see Troubleshooting)
  2. The project is already 1 year inactive (last Snap published on 26 January 2022)

If you want to use living (and working) single-node OpenStack distribution please follow rather DevStack Quick Start


Currently Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or 22.04 LTS required and:

  • at least 8 GB RAM (tested 32 GB) - Azure "Size" (instance type): Standard D8s v3 (8 vcpus, 32 GiB memory)
  • the more CPU cores the better
  • should support virtualisation - accessible device /dev/kvm
  • officially 100GB of disk space (however I play with tiny instances on 32GB disk)

Theoretically the installation is very simple - by following https://microstack.run/docs/single-node - in 3 steps:

  1. Install snap:

    $ sudo snap install microstack --beta
    microstack (beta) ussuri from Canonical✓ installed
    $ snap list microstack
    Name        Version  Rev  Tracking     Publisher   Notes
    microstack  ussuri   245  latest/beta  canonical✓  -
  2. Initialize Microstack (you must start with Control node and can later add more Compute nodes):

    • WARNING! Before setup below, You should have properly working HOSTNAME and FQDN, so these commands have to work properly:
      ping `hostname`
      ping `hostname -f`
      Be sure that Request FQDN matches Response FQDN:
      $ ping `hostname`
      #    vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv - forward FQDN
      PING hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net ( 56(84) bytes of data.
      #             vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv - reverse FQDN - must MATCH!
      64 bytes from hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.017 ms
    $ sudo microstack init --auto --control
    15:00:53,807 - microstack_init - INFO - Configuring clustering ...
    15:00:54,065 - microstack_init - INFO - Setting up as a control node.
    15:08:47,570 - microstack_init - INFO - Hardware virtualization is supported - KVM will be used for Nova instances
    15:15:25,395 - microstack_init - INFO - Complete. Marked microstack as initialized!   
  3. Launch instance (using unprivileged account):

    $ microstack launch cirros -n test

    You will receive optimistic instructions how to connect to above instance test, but it did not work in my case.


Error: no mutual signature supported

When you finished setup and trying to connect to VM you will get error like:

sign_and_send_pubkey: no mutual signature supported

RSA key was ditched from Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS. You can verify it with:

$ file ~/snap/microstack/common/.ssh/id_microstack

  ~/snap/microstack/common/.ssh/id_microstack: PEM RSA private key

Workaround: accept RSA keys again:

ssh -o 'PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa' \
   -i ~/snap/microstack/common/.ssh/id_microstack \

Setup error on Neutron

On bare-metal machine (2 cores, 8GB RAM, 100GB disk) I got this error on setup:

2023-03-30 06:01:57,517 - microstack_init - INFO - Configuring Neutron
Waiting for
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/snap/microstack/245/bin/microstack", line 11, in <module>
    load_entry_point('microstack==0.0.1', 'console_scripts', 'microstack')()
  File "/snap/microstack/245/lib/python3.8/site-packages/microstack/main.py", line 44, in main
  File "/snap/microstack/245/lib/python3.8/site-packages/init/main.py", line 60, in wrapper
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/snap/microstack/245/lib/python3.8/site-packages/init/main.py", line 228, in init
  File "/snap/microstack/245/lib/python3.8/site-packages/init/questions/question.py", line 210, in ask
  File "/snap/microstack/245/lib/python3.8/site-packages/init/questions/__init__.py", line 887, in yes
    check('openstack', 'network', 'create', 'test')
  File "/snap/microstack/245/lib/python3.8/site-packages/init/shell.py", line 69, in check
    raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, " ".join(args))
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'openstack network create test' returned non-zero exit status 1.

To fix this error we have to increase random sleep(5) to sleep(50) in Python code:

sudo snap remove --purge microstack

mkdir ~/snap-repo
cd ~/snap-repo
snap download microstack --beta
mkdir ~/snap-tree
cd ~/snap-tree
sudo unsquashfs ../snap-repo/microstack_245.snap 

# edit files
sudo vim ./squashfs-root/lib/python3.8/site-packages/init/questions/__init__.py

Replace both sleeps (otherwise Compute node configuration will fail):

diff -u ~/questions-init.py ./squashfs-root/lib/python3.8/site-packages/init/questions/__init__.py
--- /home/ansible/questions-init.py	2023-03-30 06:51:12.410802382 +0000
+++ ./squashfs-root/lib/python3.8/site-packages/init/questions/__init__.py	2023-03-30 08:26:42.342265206 +0000
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@
         nc_wait(_env['compute_ip'], '8774')
-        sleep(5)  # TODO: log_wait
+        sleep(55)  # TODO: log_wait
         if not call('openstack', 'service', 'show', 'compute'):
             check('openstack', 'service', 'create', '--name', 'nova',
@@ -881,7 +881,7 @@
         nc_wait(_env['control_ip'], '9696')
-        sleep(5)  # TODO: log_wait
+        sleep(50)  # TODO: log_wait
         if not call('openstack', 'network', 'show', 'test'):
             check('openstack', 'network', 'create', 'test')

And try again

# try this bind-mounted version of snap
# must use --devmode otherwise libvirt will fail and thus compute
sudo snap try --devmode ~/snap-tree/squashfs-root/
# note that version is not "245" anymore but "x1"
snap list microstack

  Name        Version  Rev  Tracking  Publisher  Notes
  microstack  ussuri   x1   -         -          try

# again setup Microstack
sudo microstack init --auto --control

Now Neutron configuration should proceed without error(!)

Unfortunately Nova is unable to find compute node - there is some error with Libvirt:

$ systemctl --failed

  UNIT                             LOAD   ACTIVE SUB    DESCRIPTION                                     
● snap.microstack.libvirtd.service loaded failed failed Service for snap application microstack.libvirtd

$ sudo journalctl -u snap.microstack.libvirtd.service

libvirtd[103536]: Unable to initialize audit layer: Operation not permitted
libvirtd[103536]: cannot connect to netlink socket with protocol 15: Operation not permitted

$ sudo dmesg | fgrep libvirt

16466.315157] audit: type=1326 audit(1680169649.940:4419): auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 ses=4294967295 subj=snap.microstack.libvirtd pid=103417 comm="libvirtd" exe="/snap/microstack/x1/usr/sbin/libvirtd" sig=0 arch=c000003e syscall=41 compat=0 ip=0x7fa1f3cd77ab code=0x50000

Azure - Troubleshooting network error

By default Azure has inconsistent FQDN:

  • request FQDN contains additional ID.zone prefix (XXXXXXXX.frac in my case)
  • but reverse DNS record is without it:
$ ping `hostname`
#    vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
PING hp-mstack20.XXXXXXXX.frax.internal.cloudapp.net ( 56(84) bytes of data.
# reverse PTR vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv - MISMATCH!!!
64 bytes from hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.024 ms

To make consistent FQDN I have to put reveres lookup FQDN hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net into:

  • /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
  • /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml - added use-domains: false:
              dhcp4: true
                  route-metric: 100
                  use-domains: false
              dhcp6: false
                  driver: hv_netvsc
                  macaddress: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
              set-name: eth0
      version: 2
  • test it:
    sudo netplan generate
    sudo netplan try
  • to disable override on reboot (from cloud-init) we have to follow instructions:
    echo 'network: {config: disabled}' | sudo tee -a /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg
  • and try reboot:
    sudo init 6
  • after reboot verify that ping hostname returns same FQDN for both request and response:
    $ ping `hostname`
    PING hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.017 ms

Now you should have completely remove Microstack:

sudo snap remove --purge microstack

And repeat all installation steps. This shoudl fix the problem and you should be able to launch VM without error.

Example output from working installation

Here sample output of working Microstack in Azure VM:

  • Host list:
    $ microstack.openstack host list
    | Host Name                         | Service   | Zone     |
    | hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net | conductor | internal |
    | hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net | scheduler | internal |
    | hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net | compute   | nova     |
    • WARNING! if Service=compute is missing it indicates likely libvirt daemon error (!)
  • Network Agent list - notice that they are OVN agents:
    microstack.openstack network agent list -f yaml
    • output:
      - Agent Type: OVN Controller Gateway agent
        Alive: true
        Availability Zone: ''
        Binary: ovn-controller
        Host: hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net
        ID: hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net
        State: true
      - Agent Type: OVN Metadata agent
        Alive: true
        Availability Zone: ''
        Binary: networking-ovn-metadata-agent
        Host: hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net
        ID: 1b1790d8-d752-44cc-83e8-b6b1c4c15728
        State: true
  • Network list, output of: microstack.openstack network list -f yaml
    - ID: 071fcb30-2e58-4df9-8402-1c12018e3f97
      Name: test
      - 0089ce30-1ad6-487d-9199-c33703453d81
    - ID: 2aaee59f-8d0a-46d9-a165-3c76e8a40e8c
      Name: external
      - 829f4ec4-3ed9-457c-a8ea-429730b2cd14
  • the test network si of geneve (Overlay for VMs) type:
    $ microstack.openstack network show 071fcb30-2e58-4df9-8402-1c12018e3f97 -f value -c 'provider:network_type'
  • the external network is of `` type:
     $ microstack.openstack network show 2aaee59f-8d0a-46d9-a165-3c76e8a40e8c -f value -c 'provider:network_type'
  • listing Ports of Virtual Switch - port are used to Connect VMs or other components to Virtual Switch. using command microstack.openstack port list -f yaml, output:
    - Fixed IP Addresses:
      - ip_address:
        subnet_id: 0089ce30-1ad6-487d-9199-c33703453d81
      ID: 4f827709-dcf8-4190-a031-e0cdef9f2f4a
      MAC Address: fa:16:3e:50:a9:6c
      Name: ''
      Status: ACTIVE
    - Fixed IP Addresses:
      - ip_address:
        subnet_id: 829f4ec4-3ed9-457c-a8ea-429730b2cd14
      ID: 72ae1825-07a7-4032-a1d2-309f231592ee
      MAC Address: fa:16:3e:76:bb:7e
      Name: ''
      Status: N/A
    - Fixed IP Addresses:
      - ip_address:
        subnet_id: 829f4ec4-3ed9-457c-a8ea-429730b2cd14
      ID: 7960787e-048b-4e87-8fd1-0826d539eade
      MAC Address: fa:16:3e:89:30:e5
      Name: ''
      Status: ACTIVE
    - Fixed IP Addresses: []
      ID: a4bc904c-27dd-4bcb-a7a9-84833bfed1c2
      MAC Address: fa:16:3e:ed:55:b7
      Name: ''
      Status: DOWN
    - Fixed IP Addresses:
      - ip_address:
        subnet_id: 0089ce30-1ad6-487d-9199-c33703453d81
      ID: cfaa3b79-b844-400d-827b-8f2339dd8d1b
      MAC Address: fa:16:3e:92:9f:e5
      Name: ''
      Status: DOWN
    - Fixed IP Addresses:
      - ip_address:
        subnet_id: 0089ce30-1ad6-487d-9199-c33703453d81
      ID: fe1f5bcb-893e-469e-910a-1845800de914
      MAC Address: fa:16:3e:e3:cf:b4
      Name: ''
      Status: ACTIVE
  • list Virtual Machines:
    $ microstack.openstack server list
    | ID                                   | Name | Status | Networks                          | Image  | Flavor  |
    | c0ca3f6b-9da9-45f6-9445-80fe5b15a678 | test | ACTIVE | test=, | cirros | m1.tiny |

Now tricky stuff - listing OVN configurations:

  • few commands from: https://docs.ovn.org/en/stable/tutorials/ovn-openstack.html
  • show OVN southbound db - only Geneve tunnel using LAN card:
    $ sudo microstack.ovn-sbctl show 
    Chassis hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net
        hostname: hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net
        Encap geneve
            ip: ""
            options: {csum="true"}
        Port_Binding "4f827709-dcf8-4190-a031-e0cdef9f2f4a"
        Port_Binding cr-lrp-7960787e-048b-4e87-8fd1-0826d539eade
  • show OVN northbound database
    $ sudo microstack.ovn-nbctl show 
    switch 8d94192b-b57a-4382-a152-28684cfda579 (neutron-071fcb30-2e58-4df9-8402-1c12018e3f97) (aka test)
        port 4f827709-dcf8-4190-a031-e0cdef9f2f4a
            addresses: ["fa:16:3e:50:a9:6c"]
        port cfaa3b79-b844-400d-827b-8f2339dd8d1b
            type: localport
            addresses: ["fa:16:3e:92:9f:e5"]
        port fe1f5bcb-893e-469e-910a-1845800de914
            type: router
            router-port: lrp-fe1f5bcb-893e-469e-910a-1845800de914
    switch b2b8e843-3649-4a68-b4f3-edeb69c2799a (neutron-2aaee59f-8d0a-46d9-a165-3c76e8a40e8c) (aka external)
        port provnet-e2363fcd-3cea-46d8-89a2-3fc36f2635a8
            type: localnet
            addresses: ["unknown"]
        port a4bc904c-27dd-4bcb-a7a9-84833bfed1c2
            type: localport
            addresses: ["fa:16:3e:ed:55:b7"]
        port 7960787e-048b-4e87-8fd1-0826d539eade
            type: router
            router-port: lrp-7960787e-048b-4e87-8fd1-0826d539eade
    router 1a25abf8-df53-450f-ac51-74974142e8f1 (neutron-ba9912e1-fcbd-4c5b-bb53-fbf77d432beb) (aka test-router)
        port lrp-fe1f5bcb-893e-469e-910a-1845800de914
            mac: "fa:16:3e:e3:cf:b4"
            networks: [""]
        port lrp-7960787e-048b-4e87-8fd1-0826d539eade
            mac: "fa:16:3e:89:30:e5"
            networks: [""]
            gateway chassis: [hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net]
        nat 3bf7a3ad-ea36-40a9-9207-973e2ef7307a
            external ip: ""
            logical ip: ""
            type: "dnat_and_snat"
        nat be072635-646b-4511-83bd-f6a782c1c250
            external ip: ""
            logical ip: ""
            type: "snat"
  • now to show how Northbound (high-level DB) is connected to Southbound (low-level switch tables) we have to first list bindings:
    $ sudo microstack.ovn-sbctl list datapath_binding 
    _uuid               : 75239af1-5c73-446f-9056-cc60582c656f
    external_ids        : {logical-router="1a25abf8-df53-450f-ac51-74974142e8f1", name=neutron-ba9912e1-fcbd-4c5b-bb53-fbf77d432beb, name2=test-router}
    tunnel_key          : 3
    _uuid               : 329ee08e-82d9-450e-a4ac-f67dacb78e2a
    external_ids        : {logical-switch="8d94192b-b57a-4382-a152-28684cfda579", name=neutron-071fcb30-2e58-4df9-8402-1c12018e3f97, name2=test}
    tunnel_key          : 1
    _uuid               : 7c9ae157-f20f-4ca2-bfee-5689c7019e86
    external_ids        : {logical-switch="b2b8e843-3649-4a68-b4f3-edeb69c2799a", name=neutron-2aaee59f-8d0a-46d9-a165-3c76e8a40e8c, name2=external}
    tunnel_key          : 2
  • and now Southbound tables:
    $ sudo microstack.ovn-sbctl lflow-list test
    ... ingress rules for test network ...
    Datapath: "neutron-071fcb30-2e58-4df9-8402-1c12018e3f97" aka "test" (329ee08e-82d9-450e-a4ac-f67dacb78e2a)  Pipeline: ingress
      table=0 (ls_in_port_sec_l2  ), priority=100  , match=(eth.src[40]), action=(drop;)
      table=0 (ls_in_port_sec_l2  ), priority=100  , match=(vlan.present), action=(drop;)
      table=0 (ls_in_port_sec_l2  ), priority=50   , match=(inport == "4f827709-dcf8-4190-a031-e0cdef9f2f4a" && eth.src == {fa:16:3e:50:a9:6c}), action=(next;)
    ... many more rules...
    ... egress rules for test network
    Datapath: "neutron-071fcb30-2e58-4df9-8402-1c12018e3f97" aka "test" (329ee08e-82d9-450e-a4ac-f67dacb78e2a)  Pipeline: egress
      table=0 (ls_out_pre_lb      ), priority=110  , match=(eth.src == e2:89:25:72:8f:85), action=(next;)
      table=0 (ls_out_pre_lb      ), priority=110  , match=(nd || nd_rs || nd_ra || icmp4.type == 3 ||icmp6.type == 1 || (tcp && tcp.flags == 20)), action=(next;)
      table=0 (ls_out_pre_lb      ), priority=0    , match=(1), action=(next;)
      table=1 (ls_out_pre_acl     ), priority=110  , match=(ip && outport == "fe1f5bcb-893e-469e-910a-1845800de914"), action=(next;)
      table=1 (ls_out_pre_acl     ), priority=110  , match=(nd || nd_rs || nd_ra || icmp4.type == 3 || icmp6.type == 1 || (tcp && tcp.flags == 20)), action=(next;)
    ... many more rules ...

And here lot of details from https://docs.openstack.org/networking-ovn/latest/admin/refarch/refarch.html#accessing-ovn-database-content for Northbound:

Here we can see why Neutron fails to find Chassis when FQDN is incosistent:

$ sudo microstack.ovn-nbctl list Gateway_Chassis

_uuid               : 815825d7-123b-4b15-bedb-f0285bc60e00
chassis_name        : hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net
external_ids        : {}
name                : lrp-7960787e-048b-4e87-8fd1-0826d539eade_hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net
options             : {}
priority            : 1
  • above chassis name is FQDN.

Similarly overlay network for VMs (called geneve):

$ sudo microstack.ovn-sbctl list Encap

_uuid               : 1f922921-9268-4e6d-ae87-55afacab9185
chassis_name        : hp-mstack20.internal.cloudapp.net
ip                  : ""
options             : {csum="true"}
type                : geneve

Uff, how to graps all of this....


Microstack ver. 245 and current DevStack sets-pu OVN as default - software defined L3 layer switch/router and OVS - software defined L2 level switch. Please see OVN

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