Installing XP SP3 under Proxmox VE - hpaluch/ GitHub Wiki

Here is a guide how to install old good Windows XP SP3 under Proxmox VE.

Please read my PVE Proxmox Tips page to get started with Proxmox VE


  • working Proxmox VE, tested version (via pveversion command): pve-manager/5.1-41/0b958203 (running kernel: 4.13.13-2-pve)
  • having XP SP3 installation ISO in /var/lib/vz/template/iso directory of proxmox (you can still get XP SP3 for example from MSDN subscription).


We need to get VirtIO Block and other drivers. To get them use following commands on your Proxmox VE server:

cd /var/lib/vz/template/iso
# in my case I got:
# virtio-win-0.1.141.iso

# extract floppy disk with VirtIO Block XP driver
/sbin/losetup /dev/loop0 virtio-win-0.1.141.iso
mkdir /mnt/cdrom
mount -r /dev/loop0 /mnt/cdrom
cp /mnt/cdrom/virtio-win-0.1.141_x86.vfd .
umount /mnt/cdrom
/sbin/losetup -d /dev/loop0

Now create and customize script to make XP SP3 VM - with contents:


set -ex
export INSTALL_ISO=your_xp_sp3.iso
export VMID=110
export DISK_GB=5

qm create $VMID \
   --agent 1 \
   --args '-fda /var/lib/vz/template/iso/virtio-win-0.1.141_x86.vfd' \
   --balloon 0 \
   --bootdisk virtio0 \
   --cores 1 \
   --cpu kvm32 \
   --ide2 local:iso/$INSTALL_ISO,media=cdrom \
   --memory 512 \
   --name $VMNAME \
   --net0 model=virtio,bridge=vmbr0 \
   --ostype wxp \
   --sockets 1 \
   --virtio0 local-lvm:$DISK_GB

Booting XP:

  • Press "Start" button in Proxmox VE
  • on Console (VNC based) try to press "F6" to install 3rd party disk driver (warning! It does not work most of time)
  • if you missed "F6", then wait and press "S" - to install additional disk driver
  • select WinXP version (there should be two options WinXP or Win2003)
  • proceed with install in Console

While installing XP you need to few time accept installation of 3rd party disk drivers (VirtIO Block)

When XP are completely installed there are needed following changes:

  • Installing VirtIO Network driver
  • Installing QEMU Agent

After XP install do the following:

Replace installation ISO with Virtio drivers ISO:

  • in you proxmox VE issue following command:
    export VMID=110 # replace with your VMID
    qm set $VMID --ide2 local:iso/virtio-win-0.1.141.iso,media=cdrom
  • in your XP SP3 guest run Device Manager:
    • press Start -> Run ...
    • type devmgmt.msc and press ENTER
  • to install Network driver:
    • right-click on Other Devices -> ? Ethernet Controller
    • click on Update Driver...
    • select No, not at this time (Ethernet does not work at this time anyway)
    • click Next
    • keep "Install the software automatically" (it is good for lazy people as me - XP will scan all removable media)
    • click Next
    • you can select any of offered drivers (one from floppy and one from CD-ROM) - they should be same.
    • confirm Continue Anyway
  • repeat that process for ? PCI Simple Communications Controller - it should install VirtIO Serial Driver

No we will install QEMU Agent:

  • just double-click on D:\guest-agent\qemu-ga-x86.msi

To verify that agent really works type following int your Proxmox VE shell:

export VMID=110 # replace with your VMID
qm agent $VMID info
# list of supported commands  

WARNING! Qemu agent seems to be very limited under XP (most functions has empty output)

Before backup please follow next chapter to remove all removable media.

Removing Floppy/CD-ROM

Driver floppy is no longer needed. You can remove it using command:

qm set $VMID --delete args

Also remove drivers CD-ROM:

qm set $VMID --ide2 none,media=cdrom
