Getting started with KeeYees USB Logic Analyzer - hpaluch/ GitHub Wiki

Getting started with KeeYees USB Logic Analyzer

I was amazed by simplicity of similar device on article Using the USB Logic Analyzer with sigrok PulseView and decided to order KeeYees USB Logic Analyzer mit 12er 6 Farben Prüf Test Clips Set from German


I tested this device under Windows 10 Home N/amd64 OS.

All required software can be downloaded from sigrok Downloads page. In my case I downloaded Windows - PulseView 0.4.1 (64bit)

Then run downloaded pulseview-0.4.1-64bit-static-release-installer.exe. The installation should went smoothly.

Now you need to assign WinUSB driver to your Analyzer:

  • connect your Logical Analyzer to USB
  • from Windows menu run ZaDig (PulseView)
  • select your device:
    • if it is now visible then click on Options -> List all Devices
    • and select device named fx2lafw
    • also you may verify USB ID - in my case it is 0925 and 3881

ZaDig driver install

  • then click on Install Driver (WinUSB)
  • after a while there should appear message "The driver was installed successfully"

Running PulseView

Now you can run PulseView from Windows menu. If you see Saleae Logic (!!!) (from Works with pulseview comment) in device name then your logic analyzer is ready.

NOTE: Sometimes PulseView does not detect device on 1st run (it will show progress bar scanning all possible devices and then report error). Running PulseView again seems to fix this problem.

LEDs under cover

There are actually two LEDS under sticker:

  1. red Power LED at the right-top (there is PWR label)
  2. channel CH1 level green LED at the right-bottom (labeled CH1)

The green LED is very handy when using trigger on channel CH1 (see below). Very nice feature!

Gathering RS232 communication

Here is my setup:

  • using USB Console Cable #954 as UART

WARNING! You may need Prolific USB to Serial Fix if Windows Device Manager just shows error This device can not start.

  • once your USB Console Cable #954 is working you can run Putty and configure Serial port connection:
    • Serial line: COMx (replace x with COM number from Device Manager)
    • Speed: 9600
    • Data bits: 8
    • Stop bits: 1
    • Parity: None
    • Flow control: None
  • and open above connection.

Here is a picture of Logic Analyzer connected to USB Console Cable #954 .

Analyzer w USB serial cable

Pin connections are:

USB Console Cable #954 Logic Analyzer
GND - black GND
RXD - geen CH1
TXD - white CH2

Now you can run PulseView and prepare it for sampling:

  • click on Configure Channels (probe Icon) and:
    • keep checked D0 and D1 only (we don't use others inputs)
  • then change sampling frequency to 100 kHz (we will monitor 9600Baud communications so we are roughly 10 times oversampling which should be enough as first guess)
  • now you can click on Run icon
  • quickly switch to putty and enter a letter (or other letter) few times
  • switch back to Pulse View and click on Stop
  • use magnifier to find communication on D0 line

Now we can use UART decoder to see decoded data:

  • click on "yellow-green signal" icon and select UART
  • you should see There are no channels assigned... error
  • now click on green UART signal label - dialog below should appear:

configure UART decoder

  • configure parameters to match our UART configuration:
    • RX: D0
    • TX: D1
    • Baud rate: 9600
    • Data bits: 8
    • Parity: none
    • other values should be OK

And here is result:

PulseView decoding UART

TIP: You can use wheel on your mouse to quickly Zoom In and Zoom Out in PulseView

NOTE: 61 is hexadecimal value of ASCII letter a which I pressed. So the transmitted data are correct.

Advanced features

Please see 93LC86 Write cycle - Logical Analyzer Output for advanced example - the PulseView is capable to start on any common trigger as described on PulseView Triggers

Here is more complex scenario from Connecting STM32 Nucleo board to I2C EEPROM 24C01C project:

STM32 I2C 24C01C and Logic Analyzer

I strongly recommend to use Amphenol 2x5 cable for Logic Analyzer connector to avoid possible damage when using Jumper wire cable.

Disconnecting analyzer

You should always use common procedure:

  • click on Safely remove hardware... in notification area
  • click on Eject fx2lafw
  • once Safe to remove... bubble appears you can disconnect Logic Analyzer


I have only one little objection to KeeYees USB Logic Analyzer mit 12er 6 Farben Prüf Test Clips Set. It seems that there is no way to connect provided cable with these Probes ("Test clips")... But for 16 EUR it is OK.