Fedora I3 - hpaluch/hpaluch.github.io GitHub Wiki
Fedora i3 Spin
[!CAUTION] Work in progress...
Reading really nice guide on https://blog.wains.be/2019/2019-12-11-my-linux-desktop-environment/ I decided to try minimalist i3 Window Manager.
Downloaded and booted Fedora i3 spin from
Bookmarked official i3 guide:
Running live installer
Had to resorts to guide on
So you have to:
- press ENTER to generate config
- now be careful - you have to select, what will be your "Super" (let's say "default modified") key.
- if you right press ENTER it will be Win key, or you can select Alt key
- I used default (Win key)
- you can find all key bindings in
- there will be one-line instruction: invoke
to run live installer - because installation window is tilled it is small, try better layout using Win+s or Win+e or Win+w
- you can use Win+j to focus right Windows with installer
- proceed installation as usual
- when
finishes simply runsudo reboot
After reboot and GUI login you will have again to press 2 ENTER as in Live CD.
Unlocking screen
If you left your system idle it will lock screen.
How to unlock?
- press any key - circle should appear
- press backspace
- enter your password and press ENTER - there will be still just shown circle until screen is unlocked...
Normal menu
There is standard key Win+D to show command menu - which will basically shows all commands in PATH an you have to refine list typing search term.
However there exists much better menu (including installed Apps) - rofi.
simply install rofi with
dnf install rofi
replace original bind with rofi:
#OLD: bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id "dmenu_run -nf '#BBBBBB' -nb '#222222' -sb '#005577' -sf '#EEEEEE' -fn 'monospace-10'"
bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id rofi -show drun
- And press Win+Shift+R to restart i3.
- now when you press Win+D there will shown familiar application menu instead of just all Unix commands
Installing Terminator
Just run dnf install terminator
- i3 will automatically run it
with Win-ENTER, because it is automatically found by i3-sensible-terminal
Setting more bold font:
- it same as System fixed font for gnome-terminal
- trying:
$ gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface monospace-font-name # current font
'Source Code Pro 10'
$ pango-list # list of fonts
Here is my sample ~/.config/terminator/config
that works:
font = Monospace Bold 12
use_system_font = False
type = Window
parent = ""
type = Terminal
parent = window0
You can also change font in GUI:
- right-click and hold anywhere in terminal area
- select Preferences...
- select Profile
and change settings - these settings will be saved to
i3bar and i3status
- bottom (or top) bar consists of 2 components:
- i3bar - clickable commands
- i3status - showing status (for example Networks).
Customize i3bar
Customize i3status
The bottom bar is combined from "i3bar" and "i3status".
You can find original "i3status" configuration in /etc/i3status.conf
Example: remove battery status (I have not battery):
mkdir -p ~/.config/i3status
cp /etc/i3status.conf ~/.config/i3status/config
vim ~/.config/i3status/config
Here is what I changed:
diff -u /etc/i3status.conf ~/.config/i3status/config
--- /etc/i3status.conf 2024-08-19 18:28:44.000000000 +0200
+++ /home/i3user/.config/i3status/config 2024-12-18 08:18:55.507347317 +0100
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
order += "ipv6"
order += "wireless _first_"
order += "ethernet _first_"
-order += "battery all"
+#order += "battery all"
order += "disk /"
order += "load"
order += "memory"
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
format_down = "E: down"
-battery all {
- format = "%status %percentage %remaining"
+#battery all {
+# format = "%status %percentage %remaining"
disk "/" {
format = "%avail"
To apply changes you have to restart i3 with: Win+Shift+R
Example: Remove of WiFi status: I have no WiFi (shown as W: down
) so I also commented out:
order += "wireless _first_"
wireless _first_ { ... }
- and again pressed Win+Shift+R for reload
Example: remove 'no IPv6'.
- Simply comment out line:
order += "ipv6"
and restart i3.