Hybrid Server Hosting for High Flexibility and Scalability - hostnamaste/web-hosting GitHub Wiki

In an arrangement where collocation, dedicated and cloud servers are combined together through a private dedicated network, hybrid hosting set up is created. The arrangement enables all components to run in an independent form or a part of an overall network. The configuration naturally results in significantly enhanced computing power along with the improved functioning of the data management on the grounds excellent availability of top-notch levels of security.

A Contrast with Off the Rack Hosts

With the IT industry evolving at the lightning- fast speed, most companies have started to face problems with the conventional set of web hosting services. As for example, let us see the legacy applications that require private servers; collecting, storing and managing confidential Government-client data or have scaling requirements with bandwidth, resources, computing and of course, storage. In order to eradicate such problems through conventional means, one would need to establish a complex network infrastructure that is scattered across several self-managed data centers or a hosting provider would be used just for data or web needs.

One of the most prominent problems present in this arrangement is the absence of connection between these solutions. Contrarily, with hybrid hosting services, clients are enabled to collocated or dedicated server with a public or private cloud computing arrangement. In addition, they also have the facility to customize and build the exact solution to answer their requirements economically.

As advancements are getting introduced in the realm of business and IT industry so rapidly, the requirements of infrastructure are also developing accordingly. However, not every company can be ready to entertain big changes every now and then since it hampers the growth of the company and lowers its productivity as well. But with hybrid hosting solution, a simple, streamlined data migration process can be implemented to render quality in a timely fashion.

Cases Where Hybrid Hosting Makes Sense

A company handling a fresh project enjoys the convenience of employing a cloud VPS on the same platform to test as well as develop. This can be launched on a private cloud. Such a flexibility makes the process of testing and development an easy job to execute and implement. Several companies have accepted of receiving seasonal spikes with the use of a cloud enterprise system. This is true specifically for their bonus computing resources, where the client may easily scale high and low with the simple click.

Also, in cases where regulatory concerns are an issue, a dedicated server, private cloud or collocation environment is the most suitable arrangement to collect the data and maintain communications through a cloud enterprise system. Eventually, if and when the catastrophe comes in, the system infrastructure is enabled to be replicated into a secondary data center, ensuring the security of crucial applications and programs

HostNamaste provides Hybrid Smart Servers hosting and Virtual Private Servers in USA, France and India. A professional Unlimited ASP.NET Web Hosting company with 24 X 7 support system.