A Comprehensive Guide To Choosing Dedicated Server Hosting - hostnamaste/web-hosting GitHub Wiki

Choosing the best yet cheap dedicated server could be potentially daunting but once you've found a reliable web hosting provider, all your business dream will come true.

If you are looking to upgrade a dedicated server, remember that not all dedicated servers are similar and you really need to keep a few things in mind before choosing so.

In this technology-driven era, there is one name that comes up among the list of the powerful Windows servers, that’s none other than Linux servers. This name has successfully managed to establish its image in the realm of server domain with its exceptionally outstanding performance. For those who don't know, Linux has been playing a key role in many ecommerce projects for years, ensuring they run efficiently and smoothly.

Because it’s not a cakewalk to analyse key business features individually, one must look for a service provider which essentially operates with the best technology. In a nutshell, you must have a clear insight about how your actual business functions in the ‘real’ world, otherwise you'll end up choosing a cheap Linux hosting.

What do you mean by Dedicated Server?

A dedicated server is a server dedicated entirely to your website and its needs. Because no other websites have access to them, you’ll likely to get a multitude of benefits like increased reliability and security, speed, etc. Also, you could easily do custom software option and hardware Customization.

In the server world, the Linux server has managed to grab the eyeballs of many potential users surviving in today’s technology. As per the reports, more than 90 per cent of the fastest computers in the world are being powered by Linux technology; what more could you expect!

**Tips on Choosing the Best and Cheap dedicated server **

If you are looking for the right hosting plan, you must first analyze your business needs. If you already done, let's take a look at the tips.

  1. Consider the Stability of Server: Make sure you consider the overall performance, accessibility, and usability. As a matter of fact, you'll want to go with a service that offers uptimes of at least 99% performance. This would ultimately help to minimize unnecessary expense.
  2. Prioritize Customer Support: You must look for a dedicated server host that offers round-the-clock customer assistance and can be contacted through a range of mediums such as telephone, email, and live chat. You will want a professional assistance when need someone to be available while ensure that the response time needs to be fast.
  3. Choose Customization: Make sure you check whether the hosting provider offer both Linux and Windows options or not. Some providers promise to offer cheap Linux hosting but limit customization options that might impact you in the long run.
  4. Don't Overlook Security: Dedicated servers are relatively safer and reliable than other shared options available on the market, but that doesn’t mean you’re completely safe from hackers. You need to look for a provider that offers built-in security features to help ensure your site’s security


With state-of-the-art data centres and a high-quality cheap dedicated server hosting team will monitor each aspect so you’ll get more flexibility, scalability and reliability.