Select Your Build Path - hoantv/CarSimulatorFirmware GitHub Wiki

When selecting your build path, do your research, read the documentation from the motor manufactures and the documents on this wiki, and decide which build you want to do. Options are:

  • Mige servo and driver - 10k ppr incremental encoder (15015 for $390, 10010 for $365) => We recommend these due to low noise (high noise from alternatives could harm your stm32 and your PC).
  • AASD servo motor and driver - 2.5k ppr incremental encoder (15015 for $317)
  • DC motor

Budget starts at about $500 for an AASD build.

If you want a complete solution for a wheelbase controller you can use our wheelbase controller for AC servo which handles almost all problems normally experienced with AC servo drivers. There is also a DC motor option which has builttin driver for DC motor too (they are in testing phase - will release soon).