Supplier Payment Management ‐ Introduction - hmislk/hmis GitHub Wiki
Supplier Payment Management - Introduction
Supplier Payment Management
Supplier - supply Pharmaceuticals - Pharmacy Consumables - Stores Lab Consumables - Stores Fixed Assets - Stores
When suppliers give goods Direct Purchase Goods Receive
Other Important consideration Cancellation Return
May be called as distributor
Supplier - Credit / Cash / Cheque / Bank Transfer (Slip) / None / etc
Supplier Payment Completed at for cash/card / Bank Transfer / None at the time of Direct Purchase or GR
For Credit > Later we pay the supplier Usually within an agreed credit Period
When we pay credit > we can pay more than one purchase bill, GRN Or we can pay part or we can pay in full for a few with part from other
For one GRN / DP > we can have single payment or multiple payments One payment can cover multiple GRN/DP or single
Payment settling can use the following payment methods - Cash / Cheque / SLip (Bank Transfer) / Credit Card CAN NOT USE Credit
can configure to approve payment and complete payment (some institutions do that, some don't)
Cheques are collected - During GRN/DP + Payment Settling They may be dated cheques - therefore Have to mark cheques as realized
Above are handled by supplier payment management