Patient Lookup & Registration - hmislk/hmis GitHub Wiki


OPD > Patient Lookup & Registration


You can look up a patient using Name, Phone Number, NIC / Passport, PHN, Patient Code, Patient ID, Bill ID and/or Sample ID.

You can also do a quick search using the patients' phone number.

If the patient is not already registered,

Select "+ New" to register the patient.

Then enter Patient Demographic Details (Title, Name, Sex, Age, Date of Birth, Phone Number, Mobile Number, Email, NIC / Passport No, Address, Area, PHN Number, MRN No, Comments, Patient Account, Mark as foreigner, Credit Limit, etc.)

Select "Save" to register the patient.


For registered patients, there are different actions such as,

  1. Profile - To view patient profile
  2. Edit - To edit Patient Demographic Details
  3. OPD bill
  4. OPD billing for cashier
  5. Collection centre billing
  6. Admit
  7. Inward appointments
  8. Accept payments
  9. Refunds
  10. Lab reports
  11. Receive deposits
  12. Patient deposit history
  13. Clinical history

To clear the search results, use the "Clear" button.
