ImGui Intergration for OpenGL - hls333555/OpenGL GitHub Wiki
Download ImGui from ImGui and extract h and cpp files in the root directory into our /vender/imgui folder. Then navigate to imgui-1.72/examples/, extract h and cpp files containing glfw and opengl3 into the same folder. Now our folder should look like this:
You can also extract main.cpp file in imgui-1.72/examples/example_glfw_opengl3/ to our folder for reference purposes.
Go to vs, refresh our project and include those files. Note the above main.cpp should not be included in our project!
There is one thing we should fix, navigate to imgui_impl_opengl3.h, replace
#define IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_LOADER_GLEW //We are using GLEW, not GL3W!
When you build the project, everything should work fine!
As for how to use ImGui, you can refer to the main.cpp mentioned above.