Log Files - hilbix/netdata GitHub Wiki

There are 3 kinds of log files:

  1. error.log
  2. access.log
  3. debug.log

Any of them can be disabled by setting it to /dev/null or none in the Configuration. By default error.log and access.log are enabled. debug.log is only enabled if debugging/tracing is also enabled.

Log files are stored in /var/log/netdata/ by default.


The error.log is the stderr of the netdata daemon and all external plugins run by netdata.

So if any process, in the netdata process tree, writes anything to its standard error, it will appear in error.log.

For most netdata programs (including standard external plugins shipped by netdata), the following lines may appear:

tag description
INFO Something important the user should know.
ERROR Something that might disable a part of netdata.
The log line includes errno (if it is not zero).
FATAL Something prevented a program from running.
The log line includes errno (if it is not zero) and the program exited.

So, when auto-detection of data collection fail, ERROR lines are logged and the relevant modules are disabled, but the program continues to run. When a netdata program cannot run at all, a FATAL line is logged.


The access.log logs web requests. The format is:



  • ID is the client ID. Client IDs are auto-incremented every time a client connects to netdata.
  • SENT_BYTES is the number of bytes sent to the client, without the HTTP response header.
  • ALL_BYTES is the number of bytes of the response, before compression.
  • PERCENT_COMPRESSION is the percentage of traffic saved due to compression.
  • PREP_TIME is the time in milliseconds needed to prepared the response.
  • SENT_TIME is the time in milliseconds needed to sent the response to the client.
  • TOTAL_TIME is the total time the request was inside netdata (from the first byte of the request to the last byte of the response).
  • ACTION can be filecopy, options (used in CORS), data (API call).


Check the Tracing Options section.

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