4. Domain Model - hguerra/InteractiveDataVisualization GitHub Wiki

The University of Muenster, Germany (Bartoschek et al., 2013) released a prototype of a tool for interactive visualization of spatial data for the INPE, the Triangle of Sustainability. The equipment consists of: a computer, a projector, a Microsoft Kinect device and a screen about 2m wide and 2m high where the maps are designed.

The prototype studied for the development of this project was developed three years ago, and was necessary an update of the software for new versions of the used drivers. A mismatch problem between new versions of Java with OpenNI and NITE driver's was verified. Thus it was decided to replace the OpenNI and NITE SDK for Kinect driver and the SimpleOpenNI library and all code responsible for gesture control was rewrite.

The prototype developed software was difficult to change and update as made no use of object-oriented features and it was used lists as a storage structure for spatial data present in a single class.

The software developed in this project enables the recognition of dynamically gestures, the developed software architecture is easy to change and insertion of new gestures. It was also developed one component responsible for managing and perform searches in the database.

Domain model