k8s_helm - henk52/knowledgesharing GitHub Wiki



Helm seems to be like a container deployment like what puppet/ansible is for application deployment/installation.

tar up all the yaml files used to deploy the whole solution. Includeing deployments, services, ingress etc.

Open issues

  • Where are the charts stored locally
  • how does the helm thing map to apt
  • is it like terraform, but for k8s container instead of VMs?


  • Helm home page
  • Blo20 - 'Learning HELM' by Andrew Block and Austin Dewey, 2020 Packt Publishing
  • Nan20 -


  • Chart - an archived set of Kubernetes resource manifests that make up a distributed applicationLFS258.
  • ConfigMap - TODO
  • CR - Custom Resource[Blo20,p115]
  • CRD - Custom Resource Definition[Blo20,p115]


  • Helm uses the kubeconfig(Nan20, 4.6)
    • e.g. /home/ubuntu/.kube/config
    • so whatever kubectl is poiting to is what helm is using as well(Nan20, 4.6).

Quick list of helm commands

  • helm create first-chart
  • helm dependency
    • helm dependency build - Rebuilds the charts/directory based on the Chart.lock file[Blo20,p122]
      • TODO improve description
      • If a Chart.lock file is not found, this command will mirror the behavior of the helm dependency update command
    • helm dependency list - List the dependencies for the given chart[Blo20,p122]
    • helm dependency update - Updates the charts/directory based on the content of Chart.yaml and generate a Chart.lock file[Blo20,p122]
      • To download dependencies for the first time, you can run the helm dependency update command, which downloads each dependency into the charts/ directory of the given Helm chart[Blo20,p122]
        • helm dependency update $CHART_PATH
      • The helm dependency update command downloads dependencies from repositories in the form of GZip archives with the .tgz file extension[Blo20,p122].
      • This command also generates a file called Chart.lock[Blo20,p122].
        • The Chart.lock file is similar to the Chart.yaml file[Blo20,p122].
        • However, while the Chart.yaml file contains the desired state of the chart dependencies,
        • the Chart.lock file defines the actual state of the dependencies that were applied[Blo20,p122].
  • helm lint .
  • helm template first-chart .
    • show how changes you have made?
  • helm install first-chart .
    • helm install wordpress bitnami/wordpress --values=wordpress-values.yaml --namespace chapter3 --version 8.1.0
  • helm upgrade first-chart .
  • helm history first-chart
  • helm repo add
    • helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
    • helm search repo bitnami
    • helm search repo wordpress
    • helm search repo wordpress --versions
  • helm rollback first-chart
    • helm rollback first-chart 2
  • helm search hub - search the helm hub for charts(Blo20, 56)
    • helm search hub wordpress --output yaml
    • helm search hub wordpress  --max-col-width=0
  • helm search repo - search the local repo for charts(Blo20, 56)
  • helm show
    • helm show values bitnami/wordpress --version 13.2.1
    • helm show readme bitnami/wordpress --version 8.1.0

Finding and installing a chart

  1. helm search hub wordpress --list-repo-url | grep bitnami
  2. put the URL into your web browser: https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/bitnami/wordpress
  3. Go to the TL;DR; for the installation step
  4. helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
  5. helm install my-release bitnami/wordpress
  6. mk service list
  7. or mk service my-release-wordpress which will open the browser to the service
  8. helm delete my-release

Helm Chart

The primary purpose of a Helm chart is to create and manage the Kubernetes resources that make up an application[Bol20,p?].


  • .helmignore
  • Chart.lock
  • Chart.yaml - contains some metadata about the Chart, like its name, version, keywords, and so on[lfs258]
  • templates - contains the resource manifests that make up the application[lfs258]
  • values*.yaml - contains keys and values that are used to generate the release in your cluster[lfs258].
    • These values are replaced in the resource manifests using the Go templating syntax[lfs258]
File/Directory Required Notes
.helmignore no list of files and dirs that should be omitted from the helm chart's packaging.
Chart.lock (*) A files used to save the previously applied dependency versions. *) Helm's dependency mgmt will create if missing.
Chart.yaml yes metadata about the helm chart TODO embellish
charts/ (*) store sub-charts that are dependencies of the top level chart *) Helm's dependency mgmt will create if missing.
crds/ no Custom Resource Definition(CRD) YAML resources to be installed before resources under 'templates/' TODO figure out what this is about???
LICENSE no charts license.
README.md no(*) *) every chart should contain this file as a best practice.
templates/ yes(*) defines the Kubernetes resources to be deployed *) not required if dependencies are declared in Chart.yaml
templates/NOTES.txt no Provide usage instructions during chart installation. displayed in the terminal when someone downloads this chart.
values.yaml no(*) Charts default values. *) every chart should contain this file as a best practice.
values.schema.json no charts values schema in JSON format.


  • string:
  • integer:
  • boolean:
    • true
    • false
    • yes
    • no
    • on
    • off
    • y
    • n
    • Y
    • N
  • list


Relevant fields[Bo20,p118]:

  • apiVersion - chart API version
    • v2
  • appVersion - Application version
    • TODO where is this used?
  • name - name of the helm chart
  • version - version of the helm chart
    • TODO where is this used?

Other metadata

  • dependencies -
  • description -
  • home -
  • icon - an icon in SVG/PNG (TODO is this the content or a reference). Displayed in the chart's page on Helm hub[Bo20,p119].
  • type - application/library[Blo20,p115]


  • This schema can be used to validate the provided values during an installation or an upgrade[Blo20,p105].
  • This file is a good way of ensuring users only provide the values that are supported as parameters in the chart's templates[Blo20,p105].

TODO how to use this?

chart dependencies


TODO could you use this, to install the whole system (all applications in the system)

- condition: memcached.enabled
  name: memcached
  repository: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
  version: 6.x.x
- condition: mariadb.enabled
  name: mariadb
  repository: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
  version: 11.x.x
  • name - [Required]Name of the dependency chart[Blo20,p121]
  • repository - [Required] [Blo20,p121]
  • version - [Required] version of the depency chart to include[Blo20,p121]
    • 7.x.x, which instructs Helm to download the latest version of the chart that matches the wildcard[Blo20,p121].
  • alias - [optional] alternative name to give a dependency[Blo20,p121]
  • condition - [optional] A boolean value that determines whether the dependency should be included or not[Blo20,p121]
  • import-values - [optional] [Blo20,p121]
  • tags - [optional] [Blo20,p121]

Chart types application/library


  • Application charts are used to deploy full applications to Kubernetes[Blo20,p115].
  • Library charts are used to provide named templates that may be used across multiple different charts[Blo20,p115].
    • If set to library, the chart provides functions to other charts through the form of helper templates[Blo20,p119].



  • CRDs that must be presented before templates are installed[Blo20,p115]

  • CRs can be created using Helm templates such as native Kubernetes resources, but there must first be a Custom Resource Definition (CRD) that defines the CR[Blo20,p115].

    • If the CRD is not present before the CR is created, the installation will fail[Blo20,p115].
  • creating CRDs requires escalated privileges, requiring the user to be a cluster administrator[Blo20,p116].


Helm templates are the 'brains' of your Helm chart and are used to generate Kubernetes resources[Bol20,p116].

Go templates '{{ }}'

It seems that '{{ }}' are referred to as Go templates(lrn103)

  • Go templates beginning with .Values will reference values defined in a values.yaml

See also

  • .Capabilities.APIVersions - return a list of the API versions available in the k8s cluster.[Blo20,p104]

    • TODO what is this used for?
  • .Chart - refer to fiels in the Chart.yaml file[Blo20,p104].

  • .Files - file operations?

    • .Files.AsConfig - Returns file bodies as a YAML map to create ConfigMap data from files in a chart directory[Blo20,p104]
    • .Files.AsSecrets - Returns a file as a Base64-encoded string to create secret data from files a chart directory[Blo20,p104]
      • TODO figure out what this means.
    • .Files.Get - get a file in a chart directory.
  • .Release - provided by helm/read from helm

    • e.g. .Release.Namespace The namespace to operate on.
  • .Template.Name - Returns the relative file path to the template that this object uses[Blo20,p104]

  • .Values - refer to values in the values.yaml files

  • The dot (.) prefixed to each object represents the object scope[Blo20,p104].

    • A dot followed by an object name limits the scope to that object.
      • For example,
        • the .Values scope only makes a chart's values visible;
        • the .Release scope only makes fields under the Release object visible;
        • the . scope represents global scope, making all of these objects visible, plus the common objects defined in the preceding table

Template variables


{{ $myvar := 'Hello World!' }}

  greeting.txt: |
    {{ $myvar }}



Enabling code reuse with named templates


Flow control

  • if/else - [Blo20,p106]
  • with - [Blo20,p106]
  • range - [Blo20,p106]

if/else - Flow control


  • and
  • or
  • not
  • eq (short for equal)
  • ne (short for not equal)
  • lt (short for less than)
  • le (short for less than or equal to)
  • gt (short for greater than)
  • ge (short for greater than or equal to)

range - Flow control


{{- range .Values.servicePorts }}
  - name: {{ - name }}
  port: {{ .port }}
{{- end }}

with - Flow control

The with action allows a developer to modify the scope of these values and reference them with a shortened syntax[Blo20,p107]:

{{- with .Values.application.resources.limits }}
cpu: {{ .cpu }}
memory: {{ .memory }}
{{- end }}

Scratch pad

base structure


It seems like this contains the .yaml files you would normally use for kubernetes, like configmap.yaml, service.yaml etc.

These files are templating files, which can contain references to variables '{{ .Release.Name }}', these templates will be rendered into full kubernetes yaml files, during install and upgrade.


This file declares all of a chart's default values, which are referenced by Go templates and processed by Helm to dynamically generate Kubernetes resources(lrn).

Installing Helm

Installing helm

  1. curl https://baltocdn.com/helm/signing.asc | sudo apt-key add -
  2. sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https --yes
  3. echo "deb https://baltocdn.com/helm/stable/debian/ all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/helm-stable-debian.list
  4. sudo apt-get update
  5. sudo apt-get install helm

Using an existing chart

  • helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx(Nan20, 4.6)
  • helm repo update
  • helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx
    • helm install <release_name> <chart_name>

Creating your own chart

  1. mkdir helm-course
  2. cd helm-course
  3. helm create first-chart
  4. find first-chart
  • values.yaml - various config values? Used in the interpretation of the various other files like the files in 'templates/'
  • templates/ - used for generating kubernetes manifests
    • _helpers.tpl
    • deployment.yaml
    • serviceaccount.yaml
    • hpa.yaml
    • ingress.yaml
    • NOTES.txt - displayed in the terminal when someone downloads this chart.
    • service.yaml
    • tests/
      • test-connection.yaml
  • Chart.yaml
  • charts/ - store sub-charts that are dependencies of the top level chart
  • .helmignore

Helm plugins

  • helm secrets
  • helm unittest
  • helm monitor

helm plugin CMD



Error: validation: chart.metadata is required

Chart.yaml missing[Bol20,p116]

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