PuppetModulesCookbook - henk52/knowledgesharing GitHub Wiki
- https://blog.openshift.com/how-to-avoid-puppet-dependency-nightmares-with-defines/
- https://tobrunet.ch/2013/01/iterate-over-datastructures-in-puppet-manifests/
- https://github.com/thias/puppet-sysctl
- https://puppetlabs.com/blog/git-workflow-and-puppet-environments
- http://puppetlabs.com/blog/writing-great-modules-an-introduction
- http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/3/reference/modules_publishing.html
- http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/modules_fundamentals.html
- http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/style_guide.html
I couldn't find a way to make a module server multiple "masters", I need to have a "parent" module to rule the whole thing.
So if I want to install multiple modules that all uses e.g. a web server, then the parent module needs to know what each of the modules needs of alias directories.
- create your project on https://github.com
- puppet module generate reidmv-motd
- mv reidmv-motd reidmv-motd.org
- git clone xxx
- cd reidmv-motd.org
- mv * ../reidmv-motd
- cd ../reidmv-motd
- git add xxx
- git commmit -m "Some great comment."
- cd ..
- sudo mv reidmv-motd /etc/puppet/modules/motd
See: http://puppetlabs.com/blog/verifying-puppet-checking-syntax-and-writing-automated-tests
- http://puppet-lint.com/checks/2sp_soft_tabs/
- https://puppetlabs.com/blog/verifying-puppet-checking-syntax-and-writing-automated-tests
- puppet-lint manifests/init.pp
- Get puppet-lint: https://github.com/rodjek/puppet-lint
- or: : sudo gem install puppet-lint
- puppet-lint tests/init.pp
- sudo puppet parser validate manifests/init.pp
- sudo puppet parser validate test/init.pp
- sudo puppet apply test/init.pp --noop
- MySQL: https://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/mysql
- Network configuration: https://github.com/razorsedge/puppet-network
- PostGreSQL: puppetlabs/postgresql
- Puppetlabs stdlib: https://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/stdlib
- PuppetLabs concat: https://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/concat
- http://rspec-puppet.com/tutorial/
- https://rubygems.org/gems/rspec-puppet/
- https://rubygems.org/gems/rspec
- Download rspec: https://rubygems.org/gems/rspec
- Download rspec-puppet: https://rubygems.org/gems/rspec-puppet/
- See: http://rspec-puppet.com/setup/
- rspec-puppet-init
user { "tim":
ensure => present,
gid => "fearme",
groups => ["adm", "staff", "root", "fearmenot"],
membership => minimum,
shell => "/bin/bash",
require => [ Group["fearme"],
See: https://ask.puppetlabs.com/question/3339/require-a-subclass/
It looks like you are using a defined type called apt::ppa, so you would need to capitalize all the words of the type:
require => Apt::Ppa['ppa:git-core/ppa'],
If you were declaring a class called apt::ppa, you would want to require the class:
require => Class['apt::ppa'],
lvm::volume { 'kickstart':
ensure => present,
vg => 'vg_images',
pv => '/dev/sda5',
fstype => 'ext4',
size => '10G',
file { '/var/ks':
ensure => directory,
file_line { 'kickstart_dir':
path => '/etc/fstab',
line => '/dev/vg_images/kickstart /var/ks ext4 defaults 1 2',
require => [
File['/var/ks' ],
Lvm::Volume[ 'kickstart' ],
- http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/templating.html
- http://docs.puppetlabs.com/learning/templates.html
See: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-motd/blob/master/manifests/init.pp
file { '/etc/motd':
ensure => file,
backup => false,
content => template('motd/motd.erb'),
To make use a template delivered with your module you need to add the module name as a relative path to the template name.
I think the module is expected to be installed in '/etc/puppet/module' or another officially configured path.
content => template('motd/motd.erb'), Would expect to find the 'motd.erb' in /etc/puppet/modules/motd/templates/motd.erb
$arRepoAdmPublicKeys = hiera('repoadmpubkeys')
file { '/home/repoadm/.ssh/authorized_keys':
ensure => file,
owner => 'repoadm',
mode => '700',
content => inline_template("<% @arRepoAdmPublicKeys.each do |szKey| -%>
<%= szKey %>
<% end %>"),
require => File['/home/repoadm/.ssh'],
- https://coderwall.com/p/cwxjma
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7079857/how-do-you-pass-an-array-to-an-erb-template-in-ruby-and-have-it-iterated-over
- You need to install the puppetlabs-stdlib module.
file_line { 'sonar_username':
path => '/opt/sonar/conf/sonar.properties',
line => 'sonar.jdbc.username=sonar',
match => '^.sonar.jdbc.username=',
file_line { 'sonar_password':
path => '/opt/sonar/conf/sonar.properties',
line => 'sonar.jdbc.password=sonarpasswd',
match => '^.sonar.jdbc.password=',
file_line { 'sonar_postgresql':
path => '/opt/sonar/conf/sonar.properties',
line => 'sonar.jdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/sonar',
match => '^.sonar.jdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql:',
change grub.cfg with augeas
See also: http://serverfault.com/questions/554092/how-to-update-grub-with-puppet
augeas { 'hyperthread_enable':
context => '/files/etc/default/grub',
changes => [ 'set GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX \'"\"noapic vconsole.font=latarcyrheb-sun16 selinux=0 $([ -x /usr/sbin/rhcrashkernel-param ] && /usr/sbin/rhcrashkernel-param || :) acpi=ht rhgb quiet\""\'', ], notify => Exec['grub-update'], }'set GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX "\"noapic vconsole.font=latarcyrheb-sun16 selinux=0 \$([ -x /usr/sbin/rhcrashkernel-param ] && /usr/sbin/rhcrashkernel-param || :) acpi=ht rhgb quiet\""',
exec { 'grub-update': refreshonly => true, command => '/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg',
See also: https://docs.puppetlabs.com/hiera/1/data_sources.html
nic_name: eth2
nic_name: eth3
nic_name: eth4
$netconfigs = {
vnic02 => { nic_name => 'eth2', ip_addr => '', netmask => '', },
vnic03 => { nic_name => 'eth3', ip_addr => '', netmask => '', },
vnic04 => { nic_name => 'eth4', ip_addr => '', netmask => '', },
See: https://ask.puppetlabs.com/question/724/iterate-nested-hash-from-hiera-in-manifest/
define notify_netconfigs($nic_name, $ip_addr, $netmask) { notify { "currently looping NIC: $nic_name, $ip_addr, $netmask": } }
$netconfigs = hiera("netconfig") create_resources( notify_netconfigs, $netconfigs )
<% @netconfigs.each do |hNetConfigSet| -%> Data ( "<%= hNetConfigSet['ip_addr'] %>" => "<%= hNetConfigSet['netmask'] %>" ) <% end %>
$operatingsystem will give you the content from the fact of that name.
manifest variable handling
See: https://ask.puppetlabs.com/question/3540/split-string-into-multiple-variables/ $arInterfaceList = split($interfaces, ',') $szSecondInterface = $arInterfaceList[1] setting a new value if the class parameter wasn't set
class server-of-diskless-boot {
$szNetworkInterfaceName = hiera( 'NetworkInterfaceName', '' ),
$szServiceIpAddress = hiera( 'ServiceIpAddress', '' ), ) {
#if $szNetworkInterfaceName not set then set it
if ( $szNetworkInterfaceName == '' ) {
# # Facter: interfaces (Array of interfaces), grab the second entry.
notify{ "Network interface name not set.": }
$arInterfaceList = split($interfaces, ',')
$szNicName = $arInterfaceList[1]
} else {
$szNicName = $szNetworkInterfaceName
notify{ "NIC: $szNicName ( $szServiceIpAddress )": }
} # end class.
See: https://forge.puppetlabs.com/razorsedge/network
network::if::static { "$szNicName": ensure => 'up', ipaddress => "$szServiceIpAddress", netmask => '', }
See also: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/techniques.html
- before - applied to be applied before the target resource
- require - applied after the target resource
like in: Package['openssh-server'] -> File['/etc/ssh/sshd_config] This means that: Package must be installed before the File can be ensured/created."
- notify - happens before and send a refresh i the resource is changed.
- subscribe The above relationship can also be defined using '~>'
like in: File['/etc/ntp.conf'] ~> Service[ntpd] This means that: "Service will be notified when the File is updated."
- Use it sparingly since it very easily can cause breakage.
- Only useful for overriding resource attributes[01-1105].
- any other use case is better accomplished with other methods.
- relationship override - Use a single class with conditional relationship declarations.
- $variables always start with a dollar sign. You assign to variables with the = operator.
- Variables can hold strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, hashes, and the special undef value.
- If youʼve never assigned a variable, you can actually still use it — its value will be undef.
- You can use variables as the value for any resource attribute, or as the title of a resource.
- Every variable has two names:
- A short local name: `$variable
- If you reference a variable with its short name and it isnʼt present in the local scope, Puppet will also check the global top scope.
- A long fully-qualified name $scope::variable
- Always use the fully-qualified, the $::variable notation, when referring to facts. To avoid confusion or doubt.
- You can only assign the same variable once in a given scope. In this way, theyʼre more like constants from other programming languages.
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_an_RPM_package?rd=PackageMaintainers/CreatingPackageHowTo https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_a_GNU_Hello_RPM_package Manifest
See the cookbook at: http://www.puppetcookbook.com/posts/run-exec-if-file-absent.html
exec http://www.puppetcookbook.com/posts/run-exec-if-file-absent.html Installing local gem packages http://blog.moertel.com/posts/2007-11-15-a-couple-of-tips-for-writing-puppet-manifests.html
Enable xinet service - rsh
See: http://linoxide.com/how-tos/howto-enable-rshrlogin-on-linux-server/
package { 'rsh-server': ensure => present, }
augeas { 'rsh_enable': context => '/files/etc/xinetd.d/rsh', changes => [ 'set service/disable "no"', ], require => Package [ 'rsh-server' ], notify => Service['xinetd'], }
service { 'xinetd': ensure => running, enabled => true, }
Multiple packages Grab a file from an external source
exec { 'get_VBoxLinuxAdditions_run':
creates => '/var/puppetextras/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run',
command => '/usr/bin/wget --directory-prefix=/var/puppetextras',
require => File [ '/var/puppetextras' ],
Install a special application package
exec { 'install_VirtualBoxAdditions':
creates => '/opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-4.3.18',
command => '/var/puppetextras/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run',
require => File [ '/var/puppetextras/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run' ],
generate a password thingy
host ops
Change the host name and domain
See: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/set-hostname.html
path => '/etc/sysconfig/network', line => 'HOSTNAME=host.domain', match => '^HOSTNAME=*',
See: * puppet class parameters * http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_classes.html
Creating a Class with parameters Class with a single parameter
See: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_classes.html class apache ($version = 'latest') { package {'httpd': ensure => $version, # Using the class parameter from above before => File['/etc/httpd.conf'], } } Provide a default value to a parameter Defaulting a parameter to a default value, in Hiera
class lighttpd ( $szWebProcessOwnerName = hiera( 'WebProcessOwner', 'lighttpd' ), $szWebRootDirectory = hiera( 'WebRootDirectory', '/var/www' ) ) inherits lighttpd::params { ... } Transfer parameters in class instantiation Hash, class parameters
The Class header: class lighttpd ( $szWebProcessOwnerName = hiera( 'WebProcessOwner', 'lighttpd' ), $szWebRootDirectory = hiera( 'WebRootDirectory', '/var/www' ), $harAliasMappings ) inherits lighttpd::params { ... }
The Template usage: <% @harAliasMappings.each_pair do |szAlias, szDirectory| -%> * <%= szAlias %>: <%= szDirectory %> <% end %>
The caller definition: ``` $arAliases = { 'git' => '/var/git', 'test' => '/var/test', }
class { "lighttpd": harAliasMappings => $arAliases, } ``` Default parameter values modify a line in a file
file_line { 'set_sonar_db_postgresql':
path => "$SONARRUNNER_CONF", line => 'sonar.jdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/sonar',
match => '^.sonar.jdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql:',
require => Exec [ 'install_sonar' ],
From Listing 12.8 in 'Pro Puppet'
- sudo mv /etc/hiera.yaml /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml
- sudo ln -s /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml /etc/hiera.yaml
- sudo mkdir /etc/puppet/data
- sudo vi /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml
- add: :datadir: /etc/puppet/data
- sudo vi /etc/puppet/data/defaults.yaml
- ---
- IpAddressForSupportingKickStart: ''
- hiera IpAddressForSupportingKickStart
mount { '/var/ks':
device => '/dev/vg_images/kickstart', fstype => 'ext4', ensure => mounted, options => 'defaults',
atboot => true, require => [
File ['/var/ks' ], Lvm::Volume'kickstart' , ],
- https://puppetlabs.com/blog/verifying-puppet-checking-syntax-and-writing-automated-tests
- https://puppetlabs.com/presentations/continuously-testing-infrastructure-beyond-module-testing-gareth-rushgrove-puppet-labs
- https://puppetlabs.com/automation-2/video-continuous-integration-for-your-puppet-code
- https://puppetlabs.com/blog/no-nasty-surprises-continuous-testing-continuous-integration-for-successful-release-management
- https://puppetlabs.com/presentations/beaker-automated-cloud-based-acceptance-testing-alice-nodelman-puppet-labs
- https://puppetlabs.com/blog/flaky-tests-and-monkeys-what-i-learned-gtac-2014
- http://rspec-puppet.com/tutorial/
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/201385/getting-started-with-rspec-looking-for-tutorials
For configuring the network interfaces.
See: https://forge.puppetlabs.com/razorsedge/network Virtual machine preparation/installs
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------
sub GetFile {
my $szHttpBaseSource = shift;
my $szLocalDestination = shift;
my $szFileName = shift;
if ( ! -f "$szLocalDestination/$szFileName" ) {
cd $szLocalDestination; wget $szHttpBaseSource/$szFileName;
sub GetAndDeployModuleTgz {
my $szPuppetPackageName = shift;
my $szPuppetModuleName = shift;
GetFile($f_szHttpBaseSourcePuppet, $f_szLocalDestination, "$szPuppetPackageName.tar.gz");
if ( ! -e "/etc/puppet/modules/$szPuppetModuleName" ) {
print "III Installing the $szPuppetPackageName module.\n";
cd /etc/puppet/modules; tar -zxf $f_szLocalDestination/${szPuppetPackageName}.tar.gz;
cd /etc/puppet/modules; ln -s $szPuppetPackageName $szPuppetModuleName;
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Invalid resource type file_line at
- dnf install puppetlabs-stdlib
- ln -s /usr/share/puppet/modules/stdlib /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Invalid resource type file_line at /root/install_ntp.pp:10:1 on node localhost