GitCookbook - henk52/knowledgesharing GitHub Wiki
- foxtrot merge
- branch: basically a reference?
- commit id: is a checksum, that represents:
- Content
- Author
- Date
- Log
- Previous commit id
Every commit is unique
Every commit id is unique
Commit never changes
- fast-forward: when no merge is required, the references (head, branch) are simply moved to the newer commit object(id) (25:00)
- origin/bugfix vs. origin bugfix
- origin/bugfix: refers to the reference, by that name, in this repo
- origin bugfix: refers to bugfix in the the origin repo
- references:
- branch
- tag
- commit id
- remote branch
- Staging area: aka index, aka cache
See: Multiple-github-accounts-on-the-same-computer
- Generate an SSH-key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_MY_USER
, follow the prompts and decide a name, e.g. id_rsa_doe_company. - Copy the SSH public-key to GitHub from ~/.ssh/ and tell ssh about the key: ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_doe_company.
- Create the configuration file in:
with the content shown below: - Add your remote:
git remote add origin git@<github-doe-company>:<username>/<reponame>.git
- or change using
git remote set-url origin git@<github-doe-company>:<username>/<reponame>.git
- To clone a new repo
git clone git@<github-doe-company>:<username>/<reponame>.git
Host github-doe-company
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_doe_company
Was it my ISP that was the problem???
git config --global -e
default = simple
a = add
# Amend the previous commit
amend = commit --amend --reset-author --verbose
# Commit and show diff in editor too
ci = commit --verbose
co = checkout
up = pull --ff-only
st = status
# Show status for current sub-directory only
s = status -- .
# List all branches (locally and remote)
br = branch -a
# Remove branch
rmbr = branch -d
# Remvoe remote branch (locally)
rmrbr = branch -d -r
# Remvoe remote branch (locally)
rmrbr = branch -d -r
# Show the staged/cached/indexed changes
idiff = diff --cached
# Show info about tree objects
ls = ls-tree HEAD
# Show info about all tree objects
list = ls-tree --full-tree -r HEAD
pick = cherry-pick
unstash = stash pop
# Unapply the changes recorded in the most resent stash
stash-unapply = !git stash show -p | git apply -R
# Show summary info about a commit
s = show --name-only --pretty=fuller
# Create a Work In Progress commit (alternative to stash)
wip = commit --all -m WIP
# Show commits that have not been pushed yet
# sc: show commits (ahead)
# scg: show commits (ahead) graph
sc = log '@{upstream}'..HEAD --oneline --decorate
scg = log '@{upstream}'..HEAD --oneline --decorate --graph
# The same but with full commit messages
# scl: show commits (ahead) long
# sclg: show commits (ahead) long graph
scl = log '@{upstream}'..HEAD --decorate
sclg = log '@{upstream}'..HEAD --decorate --graph
# Single-line or short log of everything
slog = log --graph --format=oneline --all
# Single-line or short branch log
blog = log --graph --format=oneline
# Single-line or short log of everything with more info
hist = log --pretty=format:\"%C(auto)%h %ad |%d %s [%Cblue%an%Creset]\" --graph --date=local --all
# Single-line or short branch log with more info
bhist = log --pretty=format:\"%C(auto)%h %ad |%d %s [%Cblue%an%Creset]\" --graph --date=local
# prune orphan commits / housekeeping
prune = gc --prune=now --aggressive
oldest-ancestor = !zsh -c 'diff --old-line-format= --new-line-format= <(git rev-list --first-parent \"${1:-master}\") <(git rev-list --first-parent \"${2:-HEAD}\") | head -1' -
# Show colour on terminals
ui = auto
# abbreviate commit hashes
abbrevCommit = true
# show tags, branches, etc. in logs
decorate = short
# The default as of git 2.0, and the safest for beginners :)
default = simple
# Record conflict resolutions
enabled = true
pager = less -i -S
editor = vim
defaultBranch = main
- add: add binary? to the repository.
- branch: creates a branch with the given name
- checkout: marks the given branch as the reference to advance/move with new commits.
- move head to that commit id
- and get the files related to the branch reference
- commit: create a commit object of what has already been added.
- and add labels: head and master(current branch?) to it
- fetch
- pull: actually a fetch + merge
- push
- rebase:
- reset
- reflog:
- tag: is a reference, it doesn't move.
- git branch -d PlaceInTime
- delete the local branch
- git branch -d -r origin/SOMETHING
- delete the branch remot
- git branch PlaceInTime eea3d0e
- add the branch tag to the give id
- git checkout master
- Switch branch to master
- git checkout PlaceInTime
- Switch branch to PlaceInTime
- git cherry-pick --abort
- git clean -dxn
- Show which files will be cleaned.
- git clean -dxf
- actually clean the files and dirs
- git fetch
- git info 45d42a3
- get info on the commit id
- git merge --abort
- git pick 12c4ee6
- git pull
- git push
- git push -f feature/ALPHA
- git push -f origin feature/BETA
- git push origin --delete DELTA
- git rebase --abort
- git rebase --continue
- git rebase master
- git show 45d42a3
- git show --name-only 45d42a3
- git slog
- git stash
- git stash drop
- git stash show
- git status
- git unstash
- -b: branch + checkout
[master abbd4b3] Second commit
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
- master: branch reference
- abbd4b3: commit object?
- 'Second commit': The commit text
git merge master
- merge master into the current branch
git merge master bugfix
- merge master into bugfix
git reset --hard HEAD^
- go back to the commit before the head, and check it out.
1 git status
- Ensure everything is committed and pushed
2 git checkout master
3 git pull --ff-only
4 git checkout MY_BRANCH
5 git rebase master MY_BRANCH
6 git status
7 git push -f
- --hard : also checkout to this
- git ls-files --stage
- git update-index --chmod=+x FILE_NAME
- git ls-files --stage
Thou shall not rebase a public branch
merge to bring in large topic branches back into the master branch.
merge any time the branch is already public.
rebase when you want to add minor commits that are in master to a topic branch
rebase whenever you want to move commits from one branch to another.
git rebase --continue
- It seems you have to do this after having updated the files you wanted to update/merge.
git rebase --skip
- use fully the file that the rebase branch(the one we are trying to rebase on)
git rebase --abort
- As if the rebase was never started
git rebase --onto newbase upstream branch
- newbase: The new branch that is going to be the base.
- upstream: The current base branch for the feature-branch 'branch'
- upstream of the feature branch.(Parent of the feature branch)
- branch: The feature branch.
git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD
- undo a rebase operation
git rebase -i
- Interactive, we get a text file to change, where all affected commits are listed.
git pull --rebase
git pull --rebase=preserve
git pull --rebase=interactive
- git checkout master
- git refresh
- git up
- git checkout FEATURE
- git rebase master
- config
- description
git has its own files system, stored in the 'object' directory.
Object types:
- blop - Here git store all files of any types, both text and binary files.
- tree - Store informations about directories
- commit - store different version of the project
- annotated tag - persistent text poitnres to specific commits
git hash-object - create new object in git structure
git cat-file - read git objects
git mktree -
echo "Hello, Git" | git hash-object --stdin -w
- directory b7 and file .git/objects/b7/aec520dec0a7516c18eb4c68b64ae1eb9b5a5e
key in git equals the hash value
the hash of the file is used as the
- folder name - two first bytes of the hash
- filename - rest of the bytes of the hash
the hash function creates a fixed length hash from any variable length input
the same input will always create the same hash
git uses sha1 which is 160bit/40 hex decimal/80 bytes
max files in git: 2^160
two different files can produce the same hash; the probability is 1/320