AzureDevOpsPipelineNotes - henk52/knowledgesharing GitHub Wiki

Azure DevOps Pipeline Notes



Notes on how to use the Azure DevOps pipeline



    - '*'     # build all branches
    - docs/*  # exclude the docs folder
  • A continuous integration (CI) build is a build that runs when you push a change to a branch.
  • A pull request (PR) build is a build that runs when you open a pull request or when you push additional changes to an existing pull request.

Pipeline resources

Pipeline resources: git Repositories

    type: git
    name: GIT_REPO_NAME
    • Default: 'refs/heads/master'
    • -xxx
  • GIT_REPO_NAME: Name of the repository in git
  • PIPELINE_REFERENCE_NAME: Name used for referencing the repository in the pipeline.

Pipeline resources: trigger on repository updates


Referencing pools

Referencing pool by image

Referencing pool by name

      name: integration-stage

Create a self-hosted pool

  • login to
  • Click your project
  • Click on 'Setting' gear at the bottom left
  • Click on Agent pools, under Pipelines, in the left panel
  • Click 'Add pool'
    • Pool to link: New
    • Pool type: self-hosted

rest of pipeline

Stage, jobs etc


  • stages:
    • stage:
      • jobs:
        • job | deployment :
          • steps:
            • bash | checkout | powershell | pwsh | script | task | templateReference :

Full job syntax:

  • - job: string # name of the job, A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and underscore

    • displayName: string # friendly name to display in the UI
    • dependsOn: string | [ string ]
    • condition: string
    • strategy:
      • parallel: # parallel strategy
      • matrix: # matrix strategy
      • maxParallel: number # maximum number simultaneous matrix legs to run
    • continueOnError: boolean # 'true' if future jobs should run even if this job fails; defaults to 'false'
    • pool: pool # see pool schema
    • workspace:
      • clean: outputs | resources | all # what to clean up before the job runs
    • container: containerReference # container to run this job inside
    • timeoutInMinutes: number # how long to run the job before automatically cancelling
    • cancelTimeoutInMinutes: number # how much time to give 'run always even if cancelled tasks' before killing them
    • variables: { string: string } | [ variable | variableReference ]
    • steps: [ script | bash | pwsh | powershell | checkout | task | templateReference ]
    • services: { string: string | container } # container resources to run as a service container
  • Each agent can run only one job at a time. To run multiple jobs in parallel you must configure multiple agents. You also need sufficient parallel jobs.

Variables in Azure pipelines

  • When you define the same variable in multiple places with the same name, the most locally scoped variable wins.

    • So, a variable defined at the job level can override a variable set at the stage level.
    • See: Define variables
  • Variables are different from runtime parameters, which are typed and available during template parsing.

  • When you define a variable, you can use different syntaxes:

    • macro
    • template expression
    • runtime
    • and what syntax you use will determine where in the pipeline your variable will render.
  • You can use a variable group to make variables available across multiple pipelines.

  • You can use templates to define variables that are used in multiple pipelines in one file.

  • Variables are only expanded for stages, jobs, and steps.

    • You cannot, for example, use macro syntax inside a resource or trigger.
  • User-defined variables

  • System variables

  • Environment variables

    • The name is upper-cased, and the '.' is replaced with the '_'
  • naming restrictions

    • User-defined variables can consist of
      • letters
      • numbers
      • .
      • _
    • Don't use variable prefixes that are reserved by the system.
      • These are:
        • endpoint
        • input
        • secret
        • securefile
      • Any variable that begins with one of these strings (regardless of capitalization) will not be available to your tasks and scripts.
  • Azure Pipelines supports three different ways to reference variables: Define variables

    • macro - $(var) get processed during runtime before a task runs.
      • Variables with macro syntax get processed before a task executes during runtime.
        • Runtime happens after template expansion.
      • When the system encounters a macro expression, it replaces the expression with the contents of the variable.
        • If there's no variable by that name, then the macro expression is left unchanged.
          • It seems like this happens os $(ENV_VAR) can refer to an OS or Environment variable?
      • Macro variables are only expanded when they are used for a value, not as a keyword.
        • Values appear on the right side of a pipeline definition.
          • The following is valid: key: $(value).
          • The following isn't valid: $(key): value.
        • Macro variables are not expanded when used to display a job name inline.
          • Instead, you must use the displayName property.
    • template expression - ${{ variables.var }} get processed at compile time, before runtime starts.
      • You can use template expression syntax to expand both template parameters and template variables (${{ variables.var }}).
        • Template variables are processed at compile time, and are replaced before runtime starts.
      • Template expressions are designed for reusing parts of YAML as templates.
      • unlike macro and runtime expressions, can appear as either keys (left side) or values (right side).
        • The following is valid: ${{ variables.key }} : ${{ variables.value }}.
    • runtime expression - $[variables.var] get processed during runtime but; designed for use with conditions and expressions.
      • The runtime expression must take up the entire right side of a key-value pair.
        • For example,
          • key: $[variables.value] is valid but key:
          • $[variables.value] foo is not.
      • Runtime expression variables are only expanded when they are used for a value, not as a keyword.
      • Values appear on the right side of a pipeline definition.
        • The following is valid:
          • key: $[variables.value].
        • The following isn't valid:
          • $[variables.key]: value.
  • What to use when:

    • Use macro syntax if you are providing input for a task.
    • Choose a runtime expression if you are working with conditions and expressions.
      • The exception to this is if you have a pipeline where it will cause a problem for your empty variable to print out.
        • For example, if you have conditional logic that relies on a variable having a specific value or no value.
        • In that case, you should use a runtime expression.
    • If you are defining a variable in a template, use a template expression.
  • Variable scopes

    • In the YAML file, you can set a variable at various scopes:
      • At the root level, to make it available to all jobs in the pipeline.
      • At the stage level, to make it available only to a specific stage.
      • At the job level, to make it available only to a specific job.
      • When a variable is defined at the top of a YAML, it will be available to all jobs and stages in the pipeline and is a global variable. Global variables defined in a YAML are not visible in the pipeline settings UI.

Specifying variables in a pipeline

# a regular variable
- name: myvariable
  value: myvalue
# a variable group
- group: myvariablegroup
# a reference to a variable template
- template: myvariabletemplate.yml
  • The group is defined in the 'Library' entry of the 'Pipelines' icon in, for your project.

Use output variables from tasks

Some tasks define output variables, which you can consume in downstream steps, jobs, and stages. In YAML, you can access variables across jobs and stages by using dependencies.

How to provide a default for pipeline pipeline run-time variable

  - none

  - group: DEV_LIB_GRP_NAME
  - name: one
    value: initialValue 
  - name: a
    value: $[counter(format('{0:yyyyMMdd}', pipeline.startTime), 100)]
  - name: coalesceLiteral
    value: $[coalesce(variables.emptyString, '', 'literal value')]
  - name: testFunctionType
    value: $[coalesce(variables.VAR_FUNCTION_TYPE,'-persistent')]

  - script: |
      echo ${{ }} # outputs initialValue
      echo $(one)
    displayName: First variable pass
  - bash: echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=one]secondValue'
    displayName: Set new variable value
  - script: |
      echo ${{ }} # outputs initialValue
      echo $(one) # outputs secondValue
    displayName: Second variable pass
  - script: |
      echo $(a)
    displayName: test set var
  - script: |
      echo $(coalesceLiteral)
      echo $(testFunctionType)
    displayName: coalesceLiteral

Log investigation in Azure pipelines

Creating tasks

DevOps agents

Installing an Azure agent on an Ubuntu machine

See: Create a self-hosted pool

  1. Create PAT
    1. See:
      • and/or 'Create a personal access token' in
    2. login to
    3. Click on the 'User Setting' icon in the top right corner
    4. Click 'Personal Access Token'
    5. Click 'New Token' and fill out
      • Name: SOME_NAME
      • Click: 'Show all scopes' at the bottom of the PAT window.
      • Agent Pools: Read & manage
      • Build: Read & execute
      • Click 'Create' button at the bottom.
  2. cd ~/Downloads
  3. wget
  4. mkdir ~/myagent
  5. cd ~/myagent
  6. tar zxvf ~/Downloads/vsts-agent-linux-x64-*.tar.gz
  7. export AZP_URL=""
  8. ./ --unattended --agent "$(hostname)" --url "$AZP_URL" --auth PAT --token "PAT_TOKEN" --pool "POOL_NAME" --replace --acceptTeeEula
  9. sudo ./ install
  10. sudo ./ start
  11. go to the agent pool and ensure the agent is now marked as 'online'

walinuxagent, didn't get it to work See:

  1. sudo apt install puppet
  2. systemctl status walinuxagent

Azure access from python scripts

The python scripts seems to be wrappers for the REST API into Azure.


  • Documentation of the modules:
  • Source code?:


  • UAI - User Assigned Identifier

Aszure keyvault access from python


Access keyvault using credentials, not safe for use with scripts

  1. pip install azure-identity
  2. pip install azure-keyvault-secrets
  3. sudo apt install python3-gi python3-gi-cairo gir1.2-secret-1

Creating a service principal


The output includes credentials that you must protect. Be sure that you do not include these credentials in your code or check the credentials into your source control.

az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment -n APP_NAME

Changing "APP_NAME" to a valid URI of "http://APP_NAME", which is the required format used for service principal names
  "appId": "APPLICATION_ID",
  "displayName": "APP_NAME",
  "name": "http://APP_NAME",
  "password": "SECRET",
  "tenant": "TENANT_ID"

Web interface:

  1. go to keyvault
  2. click: Access control (IAM)
  3. Click '+ Add'
  4. Select Add Roleassignement
  5. Select role
  6. Input the name in 'Select' entry line
  7. click save
sudo pip install azure-keyvault-secrets azure-identity


az keyvault set-policy --name ${AZURE_KEY_VAULT_NAME} --spn ${AZURE_CLIENT_ID} --secret-permissions get

Accessing the keyvault from a script, using tokens

  • Follow:
  • Add the access policy to the UAI
      1. access the
      1. go to the keyvault
      1. Click: Add policy
      1. for 'secret' allow get and list
      1. Click principal
      1. look up 'YOUR_AUI_USER_NAME'
      1. Click 'Select'
      1. REMEMBER to 'save'
  • az vm identity assign -g MY_RESOURCE_GROUP -n VM_NAME --identities UAI_ID
    • See:
  • Verify that you can get a token: curl -XGET '' -H Metadata:true
    • See:
  • Installing the modules on the VM
    • Please note it seems that on Ubuntu 18.04 'python' defaults to python2 and on 20.04 'python' defaults to python3.
      1. sudo apt install
      1. sudo pip install azure-keyvault-secrets azure-identity
import os
import cmd
from azure.keyvault.secrets import SecretClient
from azure.identity import ManagedIdentityCredential

keyVaultName = os.environ["KEY_VAULT_NAME"]

# The 'Application ID' of the UAI
clientId = os.environ["AZURE_APP_ID"]

KVUri = "https://" + keyVaultName + ""

# See:$web/python/azure-identity/1.4.0/azure.identity.html#azure.identity.ManagedIdentityCredential
credential = ManagedIdentityCredential(client_id = clientId)

client = SecretClient(vault_url=KVUri, credential=credential)


retrieved_secret = client.get_secret(secretName)
print("Your secret is '"+retrieved_secret.value+"'.")

print(" done.")