Visualize_mach o_dependencies - heldersrvio/PureDarwin GitHub Wiki
In the spirit of Vizualize dependencies in MacPorts and Vizualize KEXTs dependencies, this page describes a way to track mach-o file dependencies and related satellite information (e.g: blockers).
1. [**1** Prerequisites](mach-o-dependencies-overview.html#TOC-Prerequisites)
2. [**2** Using pd_machviz to generate a graph](mach-o-dependencies-overview.html#TOC-Using-pd_machviz-to-generate-a-graph)
1. [**2.1** A simple example across otool dependencies](mach-o-dependencies-overview.html#TOC-A-simple-example-across-otool-dependencies)
2. [**2.2** A circular view of xterm dependencies](mach-o-dependencies-overview.html#TOC-A-circular-view-of-xterm-dependencies)
3. [**2.3** Checking for purity in passwd](mach-o-dependencies-overview.html#TOC-Checking-for-purity-in-passwd)
3. [**3** Resources](mach-o-dependencies-overview.html#TOC-Resources)
Graphviz is an opensource graph visualization software from AT&T Laboratories and Bell Laboratories (Lucent Technologies).
port install graphviz +the_variants_you_need
or grab and compile the source from Note: On Mac OS X, Pixelglow is a nice a front-end, you can even see the graph being built in real-time.
The pd_machviz tool is available in the svn/hg trunk.
A hierarchical view:
The corresponding script output:
./pd_machviz /usr/bin/otool
Generate dependencies graphs of /usr/bin/otool
1 + foo
2 |`- bar No more dependency
2 |`+ baz impure! /Blocker_1 -> file_involved_1 Impurity detected
2 |`+ baz impure! /Blocker_. -> file_involved_. Impurity detected
2 |`+ baz impure! /Blocker_n -> file_involved_n Impurity detected
2 |`+ baz Dependency found
3 | |`. qux Cached file (Already processed)
Now generating dependencies tree, please wait...
1 + /usr/bin/otool
2 |`+ /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib
3 | |`+ /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
4 | | |`- /usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib
2 |`. /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Generation of complete.
Now drawing graphs from, please wait...
Generation of otool.dot_directed.png complete.
Generation of otool.dot_circular.png complete.
Generation of otool.dot_radial.png complete.
Generation of otool.dot_undirected.png complete.
Generation of otool.dot_undirectedBIS.png complete.
#### A circular view of xterm dependencies
Resources {style="margin:10px 10px 10px 0px;background-color:transparent;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Arial,Verdana,sans-serif;font-size:18px"} the otool page