Q_kju - heldersrvio/PureDarwin GitHub Wiki

Q - [kju:]

Some QEMU attempts through Q, A CPU emulator for Macintosh.

Contents 1. [**1** Status](qemu-q.html#TOC-Status) 2. [**2** UI](qemu-q.html#TOC-UI) 1. [**2.1** Q control manager](qemu-q.html#TOC-Q-control-manager) 2. [**2.2** Configuration](qemu-q.html#TOC-Configuration) 3. [**3** Boot sequence](qemu-q.html#TOC-Boot-sequence) 1. [**3.1** DFE bootloader](qemu-q.html#TOC-DFE-bootloader) 1. [**3.1.1** CPU:FSB multiplier detection fails](qemu-q.html#TOC-CPU:FSB-multiplier-detection-fails) 2. [**3.2** Chameleon bootloader](qemu-q.html#TOC-Chameleon-bootloader)


As of January 2010, Q.app still uses qemu 0.9.x, whereas PureDarwin needs 0.10 to function properly. Hence, we recommend to use QEMU instead for now.

The latest version (Q-0.9.1d118) has been updated last year, creating a big gap between the latest official QEMU and the one used in Q front-end. Consequently, Q is not usable for PureDarwin at this time.

We also tried to replace i386-softmmu with a newer version inside Q.app but no success since the usage is different between both parts (and also the features supported). UI

Q control manager


Boot sequence

DFE bootloader

CPU:FSB multiplier detection fails

Please, let us know if you have a solution.

Chameleon bootloader

SMBIOS well-known problem is bypassed with Voodoo kernel (xnu-dev).

Then, the real boot begins, but quickly ends with a problem related to APIC similar to the one in VirtualBox page.

Then, with <string>-f -v -x cpus=1 busratio=16 io=0x21</string> in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist, things go far:


http://www.kju-app.org/ (Q) http://bellard.org/qemu/ (QEMU) http://code.google.com/p/xnu-dev (Voodoo, A fork of the XNU kernel)

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